One. She slowly started stirring the mixture in her cauldron. Her long, delicate fingers were wrapped around the spoon handle as she was entirely focused on making her potion as perfect as possible.

Two. For some reason, I couldn’t stop thinking about her recently. Especially after what happened in the corridor. Ever since that day, she was constantly on my mind.

Three. But what is it about her that was drawing me so much? Was it that strange message that appeared in my notebook? I’ve received no other message since then. Still, I can’t decide if I should talk to someone about it. I guess it’s for the best to stay silent about it and keep an eye on her.

Four. And those two violet eyes. They were so mysterious, so elusive, full of secrets. I could feel that something has been worrying her lately. Was it the aftermath of our duel? Is that what’s bothering her? Should I talk to her about it?

Five. She was completely dedicated to making her potion flawless. I guess she has a knack for it. If only she wasn’t behaving so mean, it would be possible to befriend her… Maybe…

Suddenly, she stopped and smiled a bit, satisfied with the mixture she brewed. I took a glance at my notebook. It said seven. But she only did it five times. I’d better tell her this.

“You should stir it two more times,” I turned to Merula and calmly advised her to correct her mistake.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

To be frank, I wasn’t sure if it would make a big difference, but during the instructions, the Professor clearly stated to do it seven times. I even wrote it in my notebook.

“Excuse me?” She turned her attention to me and her expression suddenly became much more fierce.

“Professor Snape said to stir the potion seven times, clockwise. You only stirred it five times,” I explained.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied. I could suddenly see a lot of hatred and frustration building up within her. Apparently, she’s very upset about something… something I caused. Could it be our duel? Or what happened in the corridor? Or is it something else entirely?

“Shockingly, in this solitary instance, Edwards is correct.” I didn’t even notice when Professor Snape arrived and commented on a situation. I was too absorbed in my thoughts.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

“Even a reckless, incompetent fool like you can become a middling wizard by following instructions, Edwards,” he continued. “Ten points to Gryffindor.”

Wow… I didn’t expect that. This is the first time Snape praised me. “Thank you, Professor Snape,” I replied with a smile.

“Dismissed,” he calmly said. Apparently, he was surprised as well that I managed to find a flaw in Merula’s potion, but nevertheless, I was very happy that I at least got to regain some of the House Points that I’ve lost earlier…

And she was still staring at me… Her eyes were full of hate, full of anger… Even without saying a word, I could clearly understand everything she wanted to say to me… everything she felt… But where did all that hatred come from? What drives her to do all the bad things?

Not long after that, she left without a word… I remained there for a bit before I went back to my Common Room.

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“Well, if it isn’t the hero of Hogwarts…” Penny said while kindly smiling at me.

“Thank you for agreeing to help me brew a Sleeping Draught,” I replied. If this goes well, I might just get a chance to see what’s inside the Mysterious Room that Mrs. Norris is guarding so diligently.

“My pleasure. People always come to me for gossip, so it’s refreshing when someone recognizes my skill with potions.”

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

To be fair, she was a complete opposite of Merula. She is, perhaps, one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. She is communicative, talkative, positive, helpful, kind and supportive. She pretty much embodies every trait a Hufflepuff should have.

“Why do you need me to help you brew a Sleeping Draught?” She asked, curiously. It appears she wants to be sure I won’t use it to do something bad. At least I have that impression.

“Mrs. Norris is guarding a locked room I want to enter, so I need her to take a little nap,” I honestly answered. I didn’t want to lie to her. So far, she’s been nothing but kind to me, and she never gave me any reason not to trust her.

“Exciting! Don’t worry, Dylan. Your secret is safe with me,” she replied with a big smile.

“Why isn’t Snape here?” Come to think of it, shouldn’t the Potions Master be in the classroom at this time?

“We lost our Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. Snape is campaigning to Dumbledore even though the position is cursed,” she explained. “Rumor is, he’s not going to get it.”

We then started brewing the potion. Penny didn’t want to rush. She took her time to explain everything to me and guided me while I was preparing and adding the ingredients and stirring the mixture. She was very patient and precise. It didn’t take long to finish my potion. All thanks to her help. I should definitely do something to repay her.

“Impressive potioneering, Dylan. That Sleeping Draught could knock a Romanian Longhorn on its tail,” Penny praised me, even though she did most of the work.

“Thanks, Penny. I owe you one,” I replied, determined to repay her kindness one day.

“It’s the least I can do for the hero who stopped Merula Snyde from bullying everyone,” she said with a slight chuckle. “Good luck, Dylan. I can’t wait to hear what happens.”

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

Shortly after, we cleaned the table and returned all of the unused ingredients back to their shelves. I thanked Penny once again before we parted ways. I wish Merula was a bit more like her. Perhaps then, Hogwarts would be more enjoyable for everyone…


Everything has been going according to plan so far. Ben agreed to help, and Rowan will also accompany me to the mysterious room. I’ve got the Sleeping Draught right in my pocket, so hopefully, everything will be…

“Where do you think you’re going?” A voice pulled me from my thoughts. I looked up and saw the caretaker, Mr. Filch, angrily gazing at me.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

“Nowhere. Nowhere special. Nowhere I’m not supposed to be going…” I panicked. This will likely make him even more suspicious.

“You’re Jacob Edwards’ brother, aren’t you?” He curiously stared at me, eagerly awaiting my response.

“…Yes,” I hesitated a bit before I gave him an answer.

“Your brother was one of the nastiest little rule-breakers this school has ever seen. I was sad to see him expelled,” he replied.

“You were?” I was confused by his answer.

“I was. I missed my chance to hang him from the ceiling by his wrists,” he continued. “Now I have a second chance with you.”

“I’m not like my brother, Mr. Filch,” I said.

“You’re a liar is what you are. Mrs. Norris saw two Gryffindors lurking in a forbidden corridor,” he suddenly raised his voice. “I’m guessing one of those Gryffindors was you.”

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” I calmly replied. Truth be told, I was all shaking from the inside, but I tried my best not to show it. I can’t let the plan go to waste at this point.

“You won’t be going anywhere without me an’ Mrs. Norris knowing…” His voice was filled with anger and frustration.

“Have you heard of Peeves?” I asked. I’d best use his anger and try to redirect it elsewhere.

“Course I’ve heard of Peeves. Filthy little poltergeist has caused me more trouble than every student put together. Why?” He replied.

“I heard him talking about sabotaging your office,” I calmly answered, hoping it will draw his attention.

“How?” He raised an eyebrow. This definitely spiked his curiosity.

“He said he’d set all of the prank items you’ve confiscated to go off the next time you open the door,” I explain. “I hope Mrs. Norris doesn’t get hurt…”

“Why would he do that?” He asked me, uncertain if what I’m telling is true or not.

“Well, you know Peeves better than me, but I assumed it was because he’s fond of mischief and chaos,” I answered, still trying to hold myself together. “And he hates you.”

“How do I know you aren’t lying?” He stared at me as if trying to figure out if I’m telling the truth or not.

“You can think I’m lying, and take the chance that he ruins your office, and hurts Mrs. Norris…” Hopefully, he’ll take the bait. “Or you can stand guard inside your office, so Peeves can’t get the best of you.”

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

“I hate that wretched little poltergeist…” He commented. “I can’t let him harm Mrs. Norris, and damage my office. I keep my favorite chains in there. If I find out you’re lying about this, I’ll be using those same chains ta hang you by your ankles…”

After threatening me, he went back to his office, presumably to guard it from Peeves. Hopefully, he’ll stay there for a while. I can finally check out that mysterious room.


“I’ll admit this is more terrifying than I ever imagined. And I spend a lot of time imagining terrifying things…” Ben said once we entered the forbidden corridor. He genuinely seemed very frightened. I hope that bringing him was a good idea.

“You weren’t lying when you said this would be dangerous, Dylan,” he started shaking the moment he noticed Mrs. Norris sitting in front of the mysterious door.

“Is everyone ready?” I asked with a stern voice, trying to calm him down a little.

“I’m ready to run at the first sign of danger,” Ben replied with complete honesty.

“I spent all night studying maps of this section of the castle, and going over the plan, Dylan. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” Rowan answered with a voice full of determination.

“I tricked Filch into staying in his office, but we should still hurry. Snape might return any minute. Ben will keep watch to make sure no one is coming. Rowan will give the Sleeping Draught to Mrs. Norris while I use Alohomora to unlock the door.” I presented the plan to them.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

“I’ve read a lot of books, but none of them explain how to make a cat drink a potion…” Rowan stated.

“I mixed it with milk. Just pour it on the ground, and she should lick it up,” I explained. At least I hope that’ll work. I guess there is only one way to find out.

Rowan slowly approached close to the caretaker’s cat, but not too close to be noticed. He then took out the potion I gave him and slowly poured its contents on the ground, after which he returned back to the rest of us.

“I imagined myself doing all sorts of things at Hogwarts, but I never thought I’d be giving a cat a Sleeping Draught…” He said with a sigh of relief.

It didn’t take long for Mrs. Norris to notice the fresh milk on the ground. She started licking it, and shortly after, she fell soundly asleep. The potion worked, thank you, Penny!

“Brilliant plan, Dylan! You have a real gift for this. If wizarding doesn’t work out, you should really consider burglary,” Rowan commented happily.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

“Let’s hurry, and get inside that door…” I said. There wasn’t any time to waste, either Snape or Filch could be here any moment, so we have to act fast.

“Quick, get the lock open before Filch comes back!” Rowan reminded me of my role.

I took out my wand, waved it just as Professor Flitwick instructed and then I uttered the word – “Alohomora!” while focusing on the lock. The moment I finished casting, I could hear the door unlocking. However, that was not the only thing I heard. While all three of us were focused on the lock, I heard a voice saying the word – “Flipendo!” Immediately after, I felt the strong impact on my back which instantly knocked me off my feet. And not just that, both Rowan and Ben were hit as well. I turned around to see Merula standing above us, smiling wickedly at our situation. To make matters worse, the impact of her spell knocked my wand several feet away from my reach. I was completely defenseless.

“Only an idiot like you would invite a spineless Mudblood to keep watch, Edwards,” she said with a voice mixed with joy and wickedness. She was definitely glad that she outsmarted us. “I was wondering how to unlock the door, and get past that nasty cat. All I had to do is follow you, and wait for you to do it for me. A Cursed Vault could be inside, and no one is going to reach the Cursed Vaults before me.”

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

She then walked past us and entered the room. Shortly after, we managed to come back to our feet and recover.

“Have I mentioned how much I hate Merula?” Rowan said while holding his hand over the back of his head. Apparently, he bumped hard when he hit the ground. Thankfully, it’s nothing too serious.

“Are you all right, Ben?” I wanted to make sure both of them are ok.

“Now I know the exact pain you saved me from when Merula was bullying me…” Ben replied while holding his left shoulder.

“What are we going to do, Dylan?” Rowan asked me with a concerned look.

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I instantly remembered the hidden message from my notebook. Despite being as bad as she is, I have to help her and keep her safe. Who knows what is inside that room. She could be in serious trouble right now. I was a bit afraid of what my friends could think of me, but regardless, I have to make sure she is all right.

“I know it sounds mad, but we have to help her. She could be in danger,” I calmly said.

“You’re right. It sounds mad,” Rowan replied. “I’m right behind you, Dylan.”

“I’m afraid of what might be inside, but I’m even more afraid of being all alone in this corridor,” said Ben, agreeing to follow us inside.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

“Let’s see what’s inside this room.”

The moment I opened the door, I was hit by a cold breeze. It clouded my vision for a bit, but eventually, all of us entered the room and closed the door behind us. Once my vision adjusted, I could see her standing on the other side of the room, encased by the ice all the way up to her waist. She was shivering with cold. Her skin was all pale, much paler than usual. The poor girl was freezing.

“Merula?!” Surprised, I yelled, concerned about her well-being.

“What happened?!” Ben was still trying to adjust his eyesight. It appears that is isn’t too accustomed to cold environments.

“This is too good…” Rowan suddenly started laughing at Merula.

To be fair, as funny as the situation may seem, it was nothing to laugh about. She could be in serious danger if we don’t do something immediately.

“The ice st-stuck m-me t-to the f-floor, and k-keeps sp-spreading over me!” She said, with barely enough strength left to speak. I had a feeling she could collapse at any moment. I have to do something. It appears that this ice is the same as the one I saw in my vision earlier.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

“It’s spreading over the door too! Get m-me out of this ice b-before I j-jinx the three of you!” She demanded, still struggling to speak.

“Dylan! Help!” That very moment, I heard Rowan yelling. As I turned around, I noticed that both of my friends were encased in the ice as well. To make matters worse, the ice has barricaded the door, which made escape impossible.

“Hold on!” I yelled as I pulled out my wand.

I concentrated on the ice surrounding Rowan’s feet. I waved my wand just as instructed and spoke the word – “Flipendo!”.

The ice surrounding his legs shattered away and my dear friend was freed from its grasp.

“Are you okay, Rowan?” I asked, worried if he is all right.

“Don’t worry about me. We have to help Ben…” He reminded me.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

I turned to Ben. He appeared to be in a lot of pain. I waved my wand again and repeated the same movement as before. The spell worked, and my friend was freed from the ice.

“Thank you, Dylan. I was afraid I’d freeze to death…”

“No one c-cares about y-you! S-save m-m-me!” Merula tried to yell, but all I could hear was her faint voice. The ice was getting stronger. I could feel the intense cold radiating from each of the icy shards that were slowly expanding from the walls of the room.

“Everyone stand back!” I yelled. This is going to be way more challenging. She was encased in the ice longer than the two of them. It has spread all the way up to her waist and was slowly reaching up to her upper body. To free her, my spell would have to be significantly stronger. There is even a possibility she could end up badly injured…

“This is going to hurt, Merula…” I tried to warn her.

“What are you t-talking about?! What are you g-going t-to d-do?!” She gathered what was left of her strength to say those words. I could see genuine fear in her eyes.

My hand was shaking from the cold. I could only imagine how she must feel under all that ice. I steadied my hand and tried to calm myself as much as I could. Then I pointed my wand toward the center of the ice surrounding her. I concentrated on the ice. My entire focus was on it. For a moment, I felt as if the time itself has stopped. I steadily waved my wand and spoke the words, louder than before – “FLIPENDO!”

The ice surrounding her exploded into thousand shards that flew all across the room. Some of it even hit me, but I didn’t care. The force of the impact knocked her off her feet. She painfully groaned as she was laying on the ground. She was barely moving. I quickly approached her.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 1 Part 8

“Are you all right, Merula? Are you injured?” I asked with a concerned voice.

She was hardly moving at all. Her face was all pale and her lips were purple. She tried to raise her hand, but she was just laying there, motionless. I quickly took off my coat and wrapped her in it. “Here, this should keep you warm.” Then I raised her up a bit and held her close to me to keep her warm.

As soon as I did this, I felt the sudden hit of cold breeze all over my body.

“We have to get out of this room…” I yelled. “Cast the Knockback Jinx on the door!”

Rowan took his wand and started casting, but his spell had no effect on the ice encasing the door.

“The door is still stuck! What do we do, Dylan?! The ice is spreading fast!” He panicked.

“It’s hopeless…” Ben said with a dreadful voice.

Her eyes were already closed. She was hardly breathing at all. I held her hands tightly, trying to warm them up with my own. They were icy cold. “Hang in there, Merula!” I whispered to her ear.

“Ben! We need your help. I know you know the Knockback Jinx!” I addressed him.

“…I’m sorry, Dylan. I can’t. I’m too scared…” He replied, still looking completely terrified.

“I know you can do this, you just have to try. Please. For your friends…” I begged him to try.

I was certainly in no shape to cast any spell at the moment. With each passing moment, I felt the freezing grasp tightening around me. I was so cold… but I have to endure… I have to keep her safe…

“… I’ll try…” Ben said after thinking for a while.

He took out his wand and focused on the ice. I could see a lot of determination in his eyes. I took another look at Merula. Thankfully, she was still breathing. Apparently, my coat helped warm her up a bit. Who knows what could’ve happened if we didn’t follow her here… Her hands were slowly warming up. I was rubbing my hands against hers to warm her up. Her fingers felt so gentle, so delicate. “Please endure a bit longer…” I whispered to her ear again.

“Flipendo!” I suddenly heard Ben’s voice. I did my best to cover her with my body. Massive shards of ice flew all across the room. I felt the impact of a few of those on my back. It hurt quite a bit, but I’ll be fine. Once I looked up, I saw that there was no ice surrounding the door anymore.

“You did it, Ben!” I praised my friend.

“I did it…” He looked at me, still confused about what he just did.

“Let’s get out of here!” Rowan yelled.

“Do you think this ice will keep spreading throughout the castle?” Ben asked.

While he was saying that, I noticed some glowing letters on the wall near the door.

“Wait! Look at this!” I showed them.

“What is it?” Ben asked.

“It’s some sort of code. Someone left a message in the ice…” Rowan replied.

“I wish I had something to write it down…” I said. Sadly, there is no time to think of it now. There are more pressing matters at hand.

“I already have it memorized.” Rowan turned to me. “Let’s get out of here.”

He didn’t need to tell me twice. I picked up Merula with all my strength and carried her out of the room.

“We did it!” Rowan said excitedly once all four of us were safely outside.

“Rowan, help me carry her to the Hospital Wing. Hopefully, Madam Pomfrey can help her recover.” I replied. “Ben, please run ahead of us and inform Madam Pomfrey that we are coming. We’ll be there soon.”

I didn’t need to tell him twice. He was apparently very eager to leave this place. Rowan and I gently took Merula and started to leave the forbidden corridor. As we were nearing the exit, I turned around to take one last look. Mrs. Norris was nowhere to be seen…

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