Hosting The Beauxbatons Part 4



Hello everyone, welcome to Part 4 of our Walkthrough for Hosting the Beauxbatons Adventure of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. In the previous part, you finally learned Aurélie’s secret.

You helped her find more information about Nicolas Flamel’s artifact, and you figured out it is likely a chalice she saw in the photograph that was inside the book about this famous alchemist.

However, you also realized that someone was following you, but you’re unsure who it was. Now, you can continue your search in the Artefact Room, so proceed there when you are ready.


Part 4 Summary:

  • Task 1: Search for the Chalice
    • Location: Artefact Room
    • Requirements:
      • Year 2-3: 1 hour – 5/5 stars
      • Year 4+: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Guess who would want to follow you and Aurélie
      • Penny: +5 Knowledge
      • Madame Maxime: +5 Knowledge
      • Snape: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 2: Ambush the Follower
    • Location: Clocktower Courtyard
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Guess why Merula followed you and Aurélie
      • You’re jealous of her (12 Empathy): +10 Empathy
      • You want to be her friend too: +5 Courage
      • You might be telling the truth: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 3: Meet with Dumbledore
    • Location: Dumbledore’s Office
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Task 4: Send Aurélie Off
    • Location: Training Grounds
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Madame Maxime if you’d like to visit Beauxbatons one day
      • I’d love to visit: +5 Empathy
      • I’d rather a different school: +5 Knowledge
      • I’m not interested: +5 Courage
  • Part 4 Rewards: 1000 Experience points, 3 Chocolate Frogs, Beauxbatons uniform, Butterfly Jar Tappie (1 Gem / 23h)
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Video guide for this chapter is available at our YouTube channel. Use the button below.

Disclaimer: This walkthrough will feature the gameplay from the perspective of a Year 5 student. Since the adventure is available for students of Year 2 and above, the star and attribute requirements for certain tasks might be different for you, depending on your current progress of the main story.

Once you arrive, you’ll tell Aurélie why you want to search the Artefact Room for Nicolas Flamel’s chalice.

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Also, it is way less likely someone will follow you here without you noticing it.

Aurélie will wonder who would want to follow you. There are three response options. This choice won’t have any significant impact on the story, so feel free to take your pick.

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You’ll then decide to search the Artefact Room. To do that, you need to earn five stars within one hour (three hours for Year 4+ students). All five stars are required to pass, so avoid starting this task if you’re low on energy.

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There are bonus progress actions tied to Aurélie and your character, so prioritize those if you want to save some energy.

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When you are done, you’ll realize that the chalice is likely not in the Artefact Room.

You will wonder if the chalice could be inside one of the Cursed Vaults. Apparently, Aurélie isn’t acquainted with the term ‘Cursed Vault’.

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Just before you get to explain it to her, you will hear the sound of footsteps. And this time, you won’t be the only one hearing the footsteps, which means that someone was indeed following you.

Thankfully, you’ll come up with an interesting idea.

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Aurélie will be curious why you yelled all of a sudden. You will tell her it was all part of your plan.

All that’s left now is to go to the courtyard and see who was following you all along. When you are ready, go there to see who was spying on you.

Once you arrive, you’ll share your plan with Aurélie. The two of you will hide and wait for whoever is following you to show up. And even if nobody shows up, it probably means they decided to keep their distance.

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Aurélie will agree that the plan is solid enough. But first, you need to find a good hiding place.

To do that, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All of the stars are needed to pass.

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You can slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. Both the fountain and the statues have bonus progress actions, so prioritize those if you’re looking to save some energy.

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Once you’re done, you’ll realize that someone is coming, so you’ll decide to get to your hiding spot.

And what a surprise, the Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts was the one following you.

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Of course, she’ll deny everything as usual. But after saying that you heard her, she’ll admit it.

You’ll be able to respond to her with three different options. Bear in mind that none of these will impact the story, but some of them will result in quite funny dialogue lines, especially the first option.

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Moments later, Madame Maxime will arrive, saying that the Headmaster wants to have a word with Aurélie.

And apparently, you’re invited as well.

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Proceed to the Headmaster’s office when you are ready. Professor Dumbledore will thank you for showing Aurélie around.

It seems that Dumbledore knows that Aurélie was looking for Nicolas Flamel’s artifact.

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He’ll be curious why she didn’t seek his help in the first place. Aurélie will realize that Professor Dumbledore knows Nicolas Flamel quite well. The young man standing next to Flamel in the photograph she saw was none other than Professor Dumbledore.

She’ll then ask the Headmaster if he could tell you more about Nicolas Flamel.

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He’ll gladly agree to share some information with you.

Listening to Dumbledore requires earning five stars within three hours. Since all of the stars are needed to pass, you should avoid starting the task if your energy is low.

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There are actions with bonus progress tied to Aurélie and Professor Dumbledore. Focusing on those will save you some energy.

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Once you’re done, Aurélie will ask the Headmaster if Nicolas Flamel’s chalice was real and hidden at Hogwarts.

Sadly, he won’t be able to say if that’s the case.

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However, he’ll be quite certain it is not at Hogwarts. Aurélie will be very disappointed once she hears that. She’ll say that she needs the chalice to become a great alchemist.

Professor Dumbledore will tell her that she already is a great alchemist. He’ll smile and say that he can recognize a talent when he sees it.

He’ll also give her some words of wisdom.

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He’ll say that the same is true for you, as well. Both you and Aurélie will thank him for that.

Professor Dumbledore will remind Aurélie that she’ll soon have to leave. Aurélie will tell you she wants to go and talk with Penny.

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You’ll decide to meet her at the Training Grounds when she’s done. Once you’re ready, head to the Training Grounds to send Aurélie off.

The following dialogue will be different, depending on the choice you made in the previous part. If you advised Aurélie to tell the truth to Penny, she will say that she told her everything.

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At first, Penny was disappointed and hurt. However, after listening to the whole story, she understood why Aurélie was keeping secrets and forgave her.

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Thankfully, this won’t damage their friendship, which is nice to hear. Aurélie will suggest spending some time together before she leaves.

This requires obtaining five stars within three hours. Like before, all five stars are needed to pass.

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Both Penny and your character have bonus progress actions tied to them, so prioritize those to save some energy.

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When you finish the task, Madam Maxime will arrive and she’ll thank you once again.

She’ll ask if you’d like to visit Beauxbatons one day. There are three options to choose from. While this choice won’t have any impact on the ending of this adventure, it will likely be referenced in some future adventures, so it is recommended to pick the first option.

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Before she leaves, Aurélie will decide to give you one of the Beauxbatons uniforms. Needless to say, you will be overjoyed.

She’ll also give you a useful trinket for your dormitory.

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You’ll thank her for giving you these lovely gifts. And she’ll thank you once again for everything you’ve done for her.

Shortly after, Madam Maxime will remind Aurélie that it is time to go.

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This will conclude Part 4 of Hosting the Beauxbatons Adventure. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 1000 Experience points and 3 Chocolate Frogs.

You’ll earn the achievement for completing the adventure.

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You will also receive a Beauxbatons uniform for your character.

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The trinket Aurélie gave you can be placed in your Dormitory or the Secret Clubhouse. Occasionally, you can tap on it to receive gems.

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That was an amazing adventure! Hopefully, this is not the last time you’ll see Aurélie, and who knows, perhaps in one of the future adventures, you’ll even get to visit Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!

Thank you for reading and see you soon in the Wizarding World!