Chapter 4 – Revelio



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Four of Year Two of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. In the previous chapter, you managed to sneak into another house’s Common Room and retrieve the Black Quill that was hidden there. Afterward, you used Reparifarge, and it turned into another note pointing to one of the corridors in Hogwarts.

After that, you and one of your friends went to the corridor where you found Ben trapped in the cursed ice. Luckily, Professors McGonagall and Snape arrived a bit before you and used their magical skills and knowledge to free Ben from the ice.

So, let’s begin another chapter of this amazing adventure! Since Ben is resting now, there is a three-hour waiting period before you can visit him.


Chapter Summary:

  • Lesson: Reparo
    • Location: Transfiguration Classroom
    • Unlock: 7 Transfiguration stars
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Task 1: Visit Ben
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Hospital Wing
    • Requirements: None
    • Choice: Tell Madam Pomfrey why you want to visit Ben
      • To check on him (Ben level 4): +5 Empathy
      • To ask what happened: +5 Knowledge
      • To cheer him up (9 Empathy): +10 Empathy
  • Task 2: Search the Icy Corridor
    • Location: West Towers Corridor
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Rowan if you trust Ben
      • I trust Ben (Ben level 4): +5 Empathy
      • You might be right: +5 Knowledge
      • I’m not sure: +5 Courage
  • Task 3: Ask McGonagall about Revelio
    • Location: Transfiguration Classroom
    • Requirements: None
    • Choice: Tell McGonagall why you want to learn Revelio
      • I can’t say: +5 Courage
      • To help Hogwarts (9 Empathy): +10 Empathy
      • I love Transfiguration (11 Knowledge): +10 Knowledge
  • Task 4: Study Transfiguration
    • Location: Transfiguration Classroom
    • Requirements: 1 hour – 1/5 stars
  • Task 5: Learn Revelio
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Transfiguration Classroom
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Task 6: Meet Rowan
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Lower Floor – West Corridor
    • Requirements: None
    • Choice: Decide what to do about the vanishing stairs
      • Let’s go!: +5 Courage
      • Let’s be careful: +5 Empathy
      • Let’s tell a professor: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 7: Investigate the Icy Corridor
    • Location: West Towers Corridor
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Decide what to do about the icy door
      • Open the door (11 Courage): +10 Courage
      • Study the door: +5 Knowledge
      • Run from the door: +5 Empathy
  • Chapter Rewards: 175 Coins and 350 Experience Points
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Video guide for this chapter is available at our YouTube channel. Use the button below.

Instead, it is recommended that you focus on the lessons part of the chapter first. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Transfiguration Classroom.

To unlock Reparo lesson, you need to earn a total of seven stars from the Transfiguration classes. If you want to do it as quickly as possible, the best way is to do an eight-hour class and a one-hour class.

However, if you want to gain more attribute and house points, it is recommended that you do two eight-hour classes. When you are ready, hit the Start button to begin.

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Do these lessons like any other – complete various actions by tapping on the glowing objects in order to fill up the star meter and earn stars. It is somewhat recommended to complete the bonus progress actions (actions with the highest cost) whenever you can since those will fill up more of the star meter per energy point spent.

Pay extra attention to the mini tasks after you earn stars since each of those will provide you with ten Knowledge points upon successful completion.

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After you are done, the Reparo lesson should be unlocked. Hit the GO button and return to the Transfiguration classroom.

In order to complete this lesson, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. It is recommended to start this with full energy so you won’t have any problem completing it in time. Once you are ready, tap on the Start button to begin.

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After a brief introduction from Professor McGonagall, the lesson will start. Complete it in the same manner as any other eight-hour class.

And once again, pay attention to the mini-tasks since completing each of those will boost your Knowledge attribute by ten points.

After you manage to earn all five stars, you’ll be tasked with casting Reparo. Trace the path on the screen to successfully cast the spell.

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Congratulations! You just learned another spell that will surely be useful in your future adventures. You will receive a reward for completing this lesson. You can collect it in the Transfiguration section of your Hogwarts Record.

Now is the time to visit Ben and see how he’s doing. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Hospital Wing.

When you get there, you’ll see the exclamation mark above Madam Pomfrey. Tap on it to initiate the conversation with her. You’ll ask Madam Pomfrey if Ben is all right. She’ll say that his memory is erratic, but she has seen worse conditions during her time as Matron of Hogwarts.

When you ask if Ben wanted to see you, Madam Pomfrey will say that he did. Ben wished to see you many times. He also has strange proclamations and requests. He may even be experiencing some state of delirium.

Madam Pomfrey will ask why you need to see Ben. You have three response options. The first two options will award you with five attribute points each, while the third one will give you ten points in Empathy attribute and is the preferred one if you have level nine Empathy or higher. No matter which option you select, Madam Pomfrey will allow you to see Ben.

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When you meet Ben, you’ll ask him how he is. Ben will respond that he feels cold, tired, and sore, which is not different from his usual state. He will be happy to see a friendly face. Also, he will appreciate Madam Pomfrey’s help, but his bed will not be very comfortable.

Ben will not remember that he asked to see you. When you ask him what happened in the icy corridor, he will say that he forgot everything.

You will decide to go back to the icy corridor with Rowan and see if you can find any clues there. Hit the GO button and proceed to meet with Rowan.

When you get there, you will explain the situation to Rowan, but your friend will be a bit suspicious of Ben. Rowan will think there is something Ben is not telling you. You can respond to that in three different ways.

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Each option will give you five points in a different attribute, but the outcome is pretty much the same. Both of you will decide that the best course of action is to search the corridor and see if you can find anything.

This task requires you to earn five stars within three hours, but only one is required to pass. Once you are ready, hit the Start button to begin.

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Simply tap on the glowing objects in order to complete actions. This will fill up the star meter and earn you stars.

When you are done, hit the Collect button to continue. You will find something strange on the nearby wall. After you check it out you will come to the conclusion that it could be some sort of illusion or a hidden passage.

Rowan will explain that there is a Transfiguration spell that can reveal things for what they truly are. It is called Revelio and it is not an easy spell to learn.

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Your next task is to see if Professor McGonagall would be willing to teach you the Revelio Charm. Tap on the GO button and proceed to the Transfiguration classroom.

When you get there, you will see that some of the students have something to tell you. Tap on their speech bubbles to see what they have to say.

Afterward, tap on the exclamation mark to initiate the conversation with Professor McGonagall. She will reward your dedication and willingness to find Ben while he was missing with twenty House Points.

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You’ll then ask her about Revelio charm. She will want to know why you are interested in learning it. You have three options to respond with.

The first option is worth only five attribute points and should, in general, be avoided. The second one requires you to have level nine in Empathy, while for the third one you need Knowledge level eleven. Those options are highly recommended since they will award you with ten attribute points.

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In the end, Professor McGonagall will give you a chance to prove yourself ready to learn Revelio. Hit the GO button and proceed back to the Transfiguration classroom.

This class requires you to earn five stars within one hour, but only one star is required to pass. This is an extremely good opportunity to earn some attribute points because all five stars can be obtained with one full energy bar and each star will give you a reward and a mini-task for additional Knowledge points. For that reason, it is extremely recommended to have full energy when starting. Once you are ready, hit the Start button to begin.

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Do this in the same manner as other lessons and you will be done in no time.

Completing this will open up the Revelio lesson, but there is a three-hour timer before you can proceed. Since you will likely be low on energy at this point, it is recommended to wait, and let your energy recharge in the meantime.

Once the waiting time is over, hit the GO button and return to the Transfiguration classroom. Professor McGonagall will explain some basics to you before the lesson starts.

In order to learn Revelio charm, you need to earn five stars within three hours. This can prove to be a bit challenging if you start with low energy, so it is highly recommended to be at full energy when starting. When you are ready, hit the Start button to begin.

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This is more of a story task than a lesson since there are no rewards or mini-tasks after each star. Simply complete it in the same manner as any other task and you should be able to do it in time. It’s also worth noting there are bonus progress actions tied to your character and the nearby desk.

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After obtaining all five stars, you’ll be tasked with casting Revelio. Trace the path on the screen to successfully cast the spell.

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Congratulations! Now you have all the means to explore the icy corridor. Sadly, there is a three-hour waiting period before you can continue.

Once you are able to continue, hit the GO button and proceed there to meet with Rowan. You’ll find your friend waiting for you near the suspicious wall.

You’ll mention that you need to find out what has happened to Ben and if this corridor is hiding something that leads to a Cursed Vault. Finding those vaults might be your only chance to find your brother. Rowan will remind you to be careful since you have no idea what might appear when you cast Revelio.

You will then try casting Revelio. Trace the path on the screen to cast the spell.

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The spell will work and reveal the hidden staircase. It is most likely the same one you saw in your vision during year one. Rowan will ask what the next course of action is. You have three different options.

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Each option will give you five points in a different attribute, but regardless of your choice, you will decide to proceed and explore where the staircase leads. But in order to do so, you will need to illuminate your surroundings. Trace the path on the screen in order to cast Lumos.

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After ascending the stairs, you will find yourselves in a completely unknown corridor. Both Rowan and you will feel the immense cold radiating around and agree that the best course of action is to search the place as quickly as possible.

This task requires you to earn five stars within three hours, with one star being required to pass. Once ready, hit the Start button to begin.

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There is an action with bonus progress tied to Rowan, so prioritize it whenever it is available in order to save some energy.

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After you complete the task, you will discover a set of footprints leading further into the corridor. Rowan and you will decide to follow it and see where it leads.

You’ll stumble upon a section of the corridor covered in a freezing mist. Trace the wand movement on the screen to cast Flipendo.

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The knockback jinx will disperse the mist and reveal a door completely encased in ice. It appears to be one of the Cursed Vaults. Rowan will ask what to do next. You have three response options.

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The first option requires you to have Courage attribute at level eleven but is the preferred one since it will award you with ten Courage points. No matter which option you choose, the door will start shooting ice bolts. One of those will hit Rowan who will be sent flying down the stairs.

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You will quickly decide to leave the place and take your friend to safety. This will conclude Chapter 4 of Year 2 of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will earn 175 Coins and 350 Experience points.

Will Rowan be all right? Will Madam Pomfrey be able to help your friend recover? Find out in the next chapter of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery!

Thank you for reading.