Chapter 13 – The centaur’s arrow



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Thirteen of Year Four of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery! Last time, you found out from Professor Snape that Madam Rakepick has been keeping an eye on you ever since she came to Hogwarts. He also said that he’ll return the broom he broke, but in return, you had to spy on Rakepick for him.

You went and followed her to several locations. Sadly, she easily noticed what you were up to and you weren’t able to learn much. At least you got the broom back so you can proceed with the plan to get rid of the Red Cap.


Chapter Summary:

  • Lesson 1: Broom Surfing
    • Location: Training Grounds
    • Unlock: 9 Flying stars
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Lesson 2: Kneazle
    • Location: Care of Magical Creatures Classroom
    • Unlock: 9 Care of Magical Creatures stars
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Task 1: Talk to Charlie
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Clocktower Courtyard
    • Requirements: 1 hour – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Decide who to ask for help
      • Penny (Penny level 7)
      • Barnaby (Barnaby level 3)
      • Rowan
  • Task 2: Tell your plan to the friend you selected
    • Location: The Three Broomsticks
    • Requirements: 20 Courage, 20 Empathy, 20 Knowledge; 250 Coins; 6 turns – 3/3 Diamonds
    • Questions and Answers (Penny):
      • Why do you want me to go? – You’re gifted at Potions. (Knowledge)
      • How will we get into the Forest? – We’ll fly on brooms. (Courage)
      • How will we stop the Red Cap? – We’ll use Beautification Potion. (Empathy)
      • How do we find the Centaur? – I’ll cast Vermillious. (Courage)
      • How do we find the arrowhead? – A Niffler will search for it. (Knowledge)
      • You think it will work? – As long as we stick to the plan. (Empathy)
    • Questions and Answers (Barnaby):
      • Why do you want me to go? – You’re tough. (Courage)
      • How will we get to the Forest? – We’ll fly on brooms. (Courage)
      • How will we stop the Red Cap? – We’ll use Beautification Potion. (Empathy)
      • How do we find the Centaur? – I’ll cast Vermillious. (Courage)
      • How do we find the arrowhead? – A Niffler will search for it. (Knowledge)
      • You think it will work? – As long as we stick to the plan. (Empathy)
    • Questions and Answers (Rowan):
      • Why do you want me to go? – You’ve studied Centaurs. (Courage)
      • How will we get to the Forest? – We’ll fly on brooms. (Courage)
      • How will we stop the Red Cap? – We’ll use Beautification Potion. (Empathy)
      • How do we find the Centaur? – I’ll cast Vermillious. (Courage)
      • How do we find the arrowhead? – A Niffler will search for it. (Knowledge)
      • You think it will work? – As long as we stick to the plan. (Empathy)
    • Reward: 160 Friendship Experience with the friend you selected
  • Task 3: Get Rid of the Red Cap
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Red Cap’s Hole
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 1/5 stars
  • Task 4: Return the Arrowhead
    • Location: Forest Grove
    • Requirements: None
  • Chapter Rewards: 250 Coins and 1800 Experience Points
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Once you start the chapter, you’ll be met with a waiting period of three hours, so you can kick things off by doing the lessons first. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Training Grounds.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

To unlock the Broom Surfing lesson, you need to obtain nine stars from the Flying classes. There are many different combinations of classes you can take to achieve this. Some offer greater rewards but take longer to complete, while others are quick but less rewarding.

One balanced way involves doing three three-hour classes. If you really want to get some additional rewards, you might want to consider doing two eight-hour classes. In any case, once you make up your mind, hit the Start button to begin.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Try to prioritize actions with bonus progress whenever you have the chance.

And pay attention to the mini-tasks you receive after earning each star since those will award you some additional Courage points upon successful completion.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

When you are done, hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. Once you unlock the lesson, head back to the Training Grounds to attend it.

To complete the Broom Surfing lesson, you need to acquire five stars within three hours. Since all five stars are required to pass, you should avoid starting the lesson if your energy is low.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Do this just like the classes you took before and you’ll be done in no time.

Once you obtain all five stars, you’ll be tasked with demonstrating Broom Surfing. Trace the path on the screen to perform this maneuver.

If you do this correctly, you’ll be rewarded with a breathtaking scene in which your character surfs on the broom.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Congratulations! Once again, your energy limit has increased by one. This will make completing future tasks a bit easier.

One down, one to go. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Care of Magical Creatures when you are ready to continue.

Unlocking the Kneazle lesson requires you to earn a total of nine stars from Care of Magical Creatures classes. Like before, pick the class combination that suits you the most and hit Start to begin.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

As for these classes, try focusing on actions with bonus progress to save some energy.

Also, try your best to successfully complete all of the mini-tasks to gain some extra Courage points.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Once you are done, hit the Collect button to continue. After unlocking the lesson, head back to Care of Magical Creatures to attend it.

Completing the Kneazle lesson requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Repeat the same steps you did in the classes earlier and you’ll be done quickly and easily. During the lesson, Professor Kettleburn will ask you a question about Kneazles.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

When you are done, hit the Collect button to claim your rewards and continue. You can claim an additional reward in the Care of Magical Creatures section of your Hogwarts Record.

Now that the lessons are done, you can head to the Courtyard to meet Charlie. When you arrive, you’ll immediately notice that some of the characters have speech bubbles above them. Tap on those if you want to check out what they have to say.

You will tell Charlie good news, that you managed to get Beautification Potion and that Snape repaired your broom. Still, you will be troubled by a lot of things that could potentially go wrong.

You’ll then decide to discuss how to deal with the Red Cap.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

This is an hour-long task. To complete it, you need to obtain five stars. One star is required to pass.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

There is a bonus progress action tied to your character. Prioritize it whenever it is available to save a bit of energy.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Once you’re done, Charlie will suggest that you bring another one of your friends along. You have three options to choose from.

Keep in mind that you’ll get a significant friendship experience with the person you select, so this might be a good opportunity to level up the friendship with one of your friends.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

The next task will involve convincing the classmate you selected to join you on this adventure. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Three Broomsticks.

Upon arriving, you’ll be able to interact with various characters by tapping on their speech bubbles.

Recruiting your friend is fairly similar to Drink Butterbeer mini-game. The task window will display the recommended attribute levels as well as the cost of the task.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Try to be as supportive and reassuring as possible and you won’t have any problem convincing your friend.

You can find the questions and answers for recruiting Penny below.

  • Why do you want me to go? – You’re gifted at Potions. (Knowledge)
  • How will we get into the Forest? – We’ll fly on brooms. (Courage)
  • How will we stop the Red Cap? – We’ll use Beautification Potion. (Empathy)
  • How do we find the Centaur? – I’ll cast Vermillious. (Courage)
  • How do we find the arrowhead? – A Niffler will search for it. (Knowledge)
  • You think it will work? – As long as we stick to the plan. (Empathy)

Below are the questions and answers for recruiting Barnaby.

  • Why do you want me to go? – You’re tough. (Courage)
  • How will we get to the Forest? – We’ll fly on brooms. (Courage)
  • How will we stop the Red Cap? – We’ll use Beautification Potion. (Empathy)
  • How do we find the Centaur? – I’ll cast Vermillious. (Courage)
  • How do we find the arrowhead? – A Niffler will search for it. (Knowledge)
  • You think it will work? – As long as we stick to the plan. (Empathy)

And here you can find the questions and answers for recruiting Rowan.

  • Why do you want me to go? – You’ve studied Centaurs. (Courage)
  • How will we get to the Forest? – We’ll fly on brooms. (Courage)
  • How will we stop the Red Cap? – We’ll use Beautification Potion. (Empathy)
  • How do we find the Centaur? – I’ll cast Vermillious. (Courage)
  • How do we find the arrowhead? – A Niffler will search for it. (Knowledge)
  • You think it will work? – As long as we stick to the plan. (Empathy)

When you are done, you’ll receive 160 friendship experience points with the person you selected, so it’s a nice reward overall. It is also worth noting that your Charisma level will affect the reward.

You’ll have to wait three hours before you can continue. Since you will likely be low on energy at this point, it is recommended to wait and let your energy recharge in the meantime. Once the waiting time is over, proceed to the Red Cap’s Hole.

When you arrive, you’ll need to cast Lumos to make the search easier. Trace the wand movement on the screen to perform the Wand-Lighting Charm.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Searching for the arrowhead is a task that requires you to earn five stars within three hours. One star is needed to pass.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Remember to slide the screen left and right in order to see all the available actions. Other than that, this is a fairly standard story task.

Once you are done, Red Cap will show up and he’ll throw his club at you. You will quickly need to cast the Shield Charm to protect yourself.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Thankfully, the spell will work and the club will bounce off of it.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

After that, you will use the Beautification Potion on the Red Cap.

This will significantly change his appearance and the result is one scene that is absolutely hilarious to watch.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Moments later, the Red Cap will escape. Sickleworth will rummage through the cave, and finally, he’ll find the missing arrowhead!

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Now is the time to return the arrow to Torvus. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Forest Grove.

When you get there, you’ll need to cast the Red Sparks to draw Torvus’ attention.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Unfortunately, that won’t work. Perhaps if you elevate yourself somehow you could do it more effectively. Trace the wand movement on the screen to cast the Levitation Charm.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

It will work and you will float high up in the air. Your friend will be impressed with the power of the spell, but it’s all thanks to one particular Gryffindor student.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

Thankfully, Torvus will spot you floating high up in the air and he’ll arrive shortly after.

Charlie will assist you with landing safely. You’ll then have to cast Reparo to make the arrow whole again.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

The spell will work and the arrow will be restored.

Torvus will be very pleased and he’ll advise you to bring Hagrid and prepare as much as possible before heading into the next cursed vault.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 4 Chapter 13

This will conclude Chapter 13 of Year 4. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 250 Coins and 1800 Experience points.

Now that was a thrilling chapter! There are only four to go before the year is done. Still, you have to prepare for whatever is in the vault. Speaking of which, what kind of creature could be guarding this one? And how will you prepare for facing it? Find out in the next chapter of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery!

Thank you for reading. Until next time.