Chapter 2 – The mysterious Madam Rakepick



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Two of Year Four of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. In the previous chapter, you came back to Hogwarts after the summer holidays.

During the welcoming ceremony, Professor Dumbledore introduced the world-renowned curse-breaker, Patricia Rakepick. She is to help with the whole cursed-vaults situation, and she made it very clear that none of the students should interfere with her investigation.

After the welcoming speech, Hagrid asked you to meet him in the courtyard where you found out that Tulip wandered off into the Forbidden Forest while sleepwalking. As it turned up, she wasn’t the only student to do that. Apparently, someone tampered with another Cursed Vault and unleashed the sleepwalking curse.


Chapter Summary:

  • Lesson 1: Bombarda
    • Location: Charms Classroom
    • Unlock: 6 Charms stars
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Lesson 2: Calming Draught
    • Location: Potions Classroom
    • Unlock: 6 Potions stars
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Task 1: Meet Your Friends
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Library
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Rowan what you think about Madam Rakepick
      • She’s cool (18 Empathy): +10 Empathy
      • She’s intimidating: +5 Courage
      • She’s untrustworthy: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 2: Talk to Rowan
    • Location: The Great Hall
    • Requirements: 17 Courage, 17 Empathy, 18 Knowledge; 250 Coins; 6 turns – 3/3 Diamonds
    • Questions and Answers:
      • Aren’t you worried about Rakepick? – Not if we stick together. (Courage)
      • Do you think we can trust her? – Yes, but we should be careful. (Knowledge)
      • What about the Cursed Vaults? – We’ll keep searching together. (Empathy)
      • But Rakepick threatened us… – We can outsmart her. (Knowledge)
      • What if she is ‘R’? – We’ll keep investigating. (Courage)
      • Should we tell someone? – Not until we have proof. (Empathy)
  • Task 3: Talk to Snape
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Potions Classroom
    • Requirements: 1 hour – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Snape why you are asking about Rakepick
      • She’s mysterious: +5 Knowledge
      • She’s fearless: +5 Courage
      • She’s relatable: +5 Empathy
  • Task 4: Talk to Flitwick
    • Location: Charms Classroom
    • Requirements: 1 hour – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Flitwick if you think Rakepick should be scrutinized
      • Yes: +5 Courage
      • No: +5 Empathy
      • I’m not sure: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 5: Talk to Hooch
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Training Grounds
    • Requirements: 1 hour – 1/5 stars
  • Task 6: Talk to Hagrid
    • Location: Clocktower Courtyard
    • Requirements: 1 hour – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Decide if you want Hagrid to talk to Madam Rakepick
      • Yes, but be subtle (18 Knowledge): +10 Knowledge
      • No: +5 Courage
      • Yes, confront her: +5 Empathy
  • Task 7: Talk to Rowan
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Your house’s Common Room
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Decide if you want Rowan to go with you
      • I could use your help (18 Empathy): +10 Empathy
      • I should go alone: +5 Courage
  • Task 8: Talk to Rakepick
    • Location: Artefact Room
    • Requirements: None
    • Choice 1: Tell Rakepick why you’ve been asking the faculty about her
      • I admire you: +5 Empathy
      • I don’t trust you: +5 Courage
      • I’m curious about you (18 Knowledge): +10 Knowledge
    • Choice 2: Reply to Rakepick
      • I’m happy to help: +5 Empathy
      • I’m not your assistant: +5 Courage
  • Chapter Rewards: 250 Coins and 1300 Experience Points
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Now, to start things off, you can do the lessons part of the chapter first since there is a waiting period of three hours before you can continue the story. Head to the Charms classroom for your first lesson of the chapter.

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Unlocking Bombarda Lesson requires you to obtain a total of six stars from Charms classes. This can be accomplished in several different ways.

The fastest one involves doing three of the one-hour classes, but this method is the least rewarding one, so if you are looking to earn some additional attribute or house points, you might want to consider doing a different class combination. Either way, once you decide which class to take, hit the Start button to begin.

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As for these classes, follow the usual pattern – complete actions by tapping on the highlighted objects. This will fill up the star meter and eventually, you’ll earn stars.

Prioritize actions with bonus progress since they will fill up more of the star meter per energy point spent and thus optimize your energy usage.

After earning each star, you will be given a mini-task. Completing it successfully will earn you ten Empathy points.

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When you are done, hit the Collect button to continue. Once you unlock the lesson, you can head back to the Charms classroom to attend it.

Learning Bombarda requires earning five stars within three hours. Because all of the stars are needed to pass, it is not recommended to start this lesson with an empty energy bar.

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Approach this lesson in the same way as the classes you had beforehand and you shouldn’t encounter any problems.

When you earn the fifth star, you will be tasked with casting Bombarda. Trace the wand movement on the screen to cast the spell.

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Congratulations! Now that you learned this spell, you can use it in future duels. It is usable in Defensive stance and deals seven points of base damage, scaling with your Courage attribute.

In addition, it has a chance to cause damage over time effect and also a chance to stun the opponent for one turn.

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For your next lesson, you should go to the Potions classroom.

To unlock the Calming Draught lesson, you need to earn a total of six stars from the Potions classes. Like with the previous lesson, you can select the combination of classes that suits you best.

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During these classes, focus on the bonus progress actions to save some energy. Also, try to complete mini-tasks successfully in order to gain some additional Knowledge points.

After you collect six or more stars, the Calming Draught lesson will be unlocked. Head back to the Potions classroom to attend it.

Completing this lesson requires you to earn five stars within three hours. All five stars are needed to pass, so avoid starting this lesson if you are low on energy.

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Simply do this like any of the other classes so far, and you should be done quickly and easily. When you are done, hit the Collect button to claim your rewards.

Now that you’re done with the lessons, you can continue the story part of the chapter. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Library to meet your friends.

When you get there, you’ll be able to interact with some of the characters by tapping on the speech bubbles above them.

After explaining to them what Tulip and you saw in the corridor, Rowan will ask you for your opinion on Madam Rakepick. You have three options to respond with. This choice won’t have any significant impact on the story, so feel free to go with the option you prefer.

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You’ll then get a task to discuss Madam Rakepick. Completing it requires earning five stars within three hours. Only one star is needed to pass.

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Make sure to slide the screen left and right in order to see all the available actions. There is a bonus progress action tied to Barnaby. Focusing on that one should save you a bit of energy.

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Ben will be afraid of creatures from the Forest, while Rowan will be more concerned about being caught and expelled from school. You will propose a solution: if you enter the forest at just the right spot, you can be in and out before the creatures of the professors find you.

Tulip and Bill will warn you that once you are inside the Forbidden Forest, you will likely lose orientation and get lost. Rowan will suggest that everyone should study the forest to work out exactly what needs to be done to be prepared.

You’ll then get the next task to meet Rowan in the Great Hall. Hit the GO button and proceed there.

As soon as you get there you will notice that several characters have speech bubbles above them. Tap on those if you are curious to see what they have to say.

When you are done with that, Rowan will tell you an interesting theory about Madam Rakepick. According to your friend, there is a chance that Rakepick could be the mysterious ‘R’ who wrote the letter to Ben.

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The initial letter ‘R’ is an obvious clue, but also the tone of the letter matched her tone during the Start-of-Term speech. On top of that, she is interested in the Cursed Vaults. Rowan will also suspect that Ben is hiding something.

You’ll receive the task to discuss Madam Rakepick with Rowan. The task window will display the recommended attribute levels as well as the cost of the task.

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This behaves in a similar manner to Meal With a Friend mini-game. In order to succeed, you have to reassure Rowan that everything will be fine. There are six turns to complete this.

Since the attribute requirements for this task aren’t too high, this shouldn’t be too difficult to accomplish. In any case, you can check the questions and the optimal answers below.

  • Aren’t you worried about Rakepick? – Not if we stick together. (Courage)
  • Do you think we can trust her? – Yes, but we should be careful. (Knowledge)
  • What about the Cursed Vaults? – We’ll keep searching together. (Empathy)
  • But Rakepick threatened us… – We can outsmart her. (Knowledge)
  • What if she is ‘R’? – We’ll keep investigating. (Courage)
  • Should we tell someone? – Not until we have proof. (Empathy)

Once you are done, you will receive a significant increase in Rowan’s friendship experience. 

Both of you will agree that you need to investigate Madam Rakepick. Apparently, she and Professor Snape used to be classmates, so he would be a good person to talk to. There is a waiting period of three hours before you can proceed. 

Head to the Potions classroom once the waiting time is over. When you get there, you will be able to interact with some of the characters by tapping on their speech bubbles.

You’ll ask Snape about Madam Rakepick. This will intrigue him and he’ll want to know your reasons for asking about her. You have three response options.

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Each option will award you five points in a different attribute, and since the outcome is pretty much the same, feel free to pick whichever one you prefer.

Your next task is to impress Snape. It requires earning five stars within one hour. One star is needed to pass.

Complete this just like any other story task and you’ll have no trouble with it. It is worth noting there is a bonus progress action tied to Professor Snape. Prioritize it to save a bit of energy. Once you complete this task, Snape will share some of Rakepick’s history with you.

Apparently, she was quite a mischievous student back then. But because it was the Headmaster’s decision to invite her to Hogwarts, there is nothing Snape can do about it. Not without evidence at least. He’ll tell you to come to him immediately in case you find any evidence that Rakepick is a danger to Hogwarts.


For your next task, you should talk to Professor Flitwick and see if there is something he knows about Madam Rakepick. Proceed to the Charms classroom when you are ready.

As soon as you arrive, you will notice that some of the students have something to tell you. Tap on the speech bubbles above them to see what they have to say.

After that, you’ll talk to Professor Flitwick, but like the previous time, you’ll have to attend the class before you can discuss the matter.

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Luckily, for this one, you need to earn five stars within one hour. Only one star is required to pass. The entirety of the stars can be obtained with one full energy bar, which should be relatively easy to accomplish.

When you are done, Professor Flitwick will ask you to demonstrate the Banishing Charm. Trace the wand movement on the screen to cast Depulso. Once you do that, you will receive ten House Points as a reward.

Flitwick will then ask if you think that Madam Rakepick should be scrutinized. You have three response options. Each of those will award you five attribute points.

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His initial response will be different, depending on the choice you pick, but in the end, he’ll advise you to come to your own conclusion.

For the next task, you should speak to Madam Hooch about Rakepick. However, there are three hours of waiting time before you are able to do so. Once you are able to continue, proceed to the Training Grounds.

You’ll get to interact with some of the other students when you get there. Simply tap on their speech bubbles in order to check out what they have to say.

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Tulip will want to hear everything you learned about Madam Rakepick so far. She’ll ask you to tell her about it while flying. To complete this task, you will need to earn five stars within one hour. One star is required to pass.

There are bonus progress actions tied to Tulip and your character. Prioritize them to save energy.

Once the class is over, you’ll receive ten House Points from Madam Hooch.

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You will learn that she is not too fond of Madam Rakepick. The following line of dialogue will differ, depending on whether or not you are playing Quidditch for your house team.

For the next task, you’ll need to meet Hagrid. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Clocktower Courtyard.

When you get there, you’ll notice that some of the characters have speech bubbles above them. Tapping on those will reveal what they have to say to you.

Once you are done with that, tap on the exclamation mark to initiate the conversation with Hagrid. Hagrid knew Patricia Rakepick since she was a student, although he was never a close friend to her.

Talking about Madam Rakepick is your next task and completing it requires earning five stars within one hour. One star is needed to pass.

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As long as you start with full energy, you should easily be able to get all of the stars in one go, so it shouldn’t take long to finish this task.

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You will learn some interesting things about Madam Rakepick from Hagrid. Most importantly, you definitely don’t want her as your enemy.

Hagrid will ask if you want him to talk to her for you. You have three options to respond with. This choice won’t significantly impact the story, so feel free to pick whichever option you prefer.

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Your next task will involve talking to Rowan in your Common Room. There is a waiting period of three hours before you can proceed.

Once you are able to continue, head to your Common Room to meet Rowan. Your friend will be eager to hear everything you learned about Madam Rakepick.

Talking to Rowan about Rakepick is your next task. To complete it, you need to earn five stars within three hours. One star is required to pass.

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During this task, the two of you will summarize all the information you’ve learned so far. There is an action with bonus progress linked to Rowan. Prioritize it to save energy.

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Once you’re done with the task, one of the students will approach and hand you the letter from Madam Rakepick. She found out that you questioned the staff about her and wants to meet you in the Artefact Room.

Rowan will offer to accompany you there. If you like Rowan, it is recommended to pick the first option, as long as you meet the attribute requirement.

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When you are ready, hit the GO button and proceed to the Artefact Room. When you arrive, you’ll notice that Madam Rakepick is already there, waiting for you.

She will be displeased in case you brought Rowan along. She’ll want to know why you asked around about her. You have three options to respond with.

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The first two answers will award you with five attribute points, while the third one is worth ten. This should be your preferred choice as long as your Knowledge attribute is level eighteen or higher.

After a lengthy talk, Madam Rakepick will offer you to serve as her assistant. You can choose between two options.

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Pick whichever option you find the most appropriate because regardless of your choice, she will tell you to seek Professor Kettleburn if you want to find the way to enter the Forbidden Forest.

You’ll thank her for the advice and with that, Chapter 2 of Year 4 will conclude. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will earn 250 Coins and 1300 Experience points.

Did Professor Kettleburn really help Madam Rakepick enter the Forbidden Forest? And will he agree to help you? Find out in the next chapter of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery!

Thank you for reading.