Chapter 21 – The search for Peeves



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Twenty-One of Year Five of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. In the previous chapter, you looked for Madam Rakepick, but couldn’t find her anywhere.

Professor Kettleburn pointed you to one of the upstairs corridors where you encountered Percy’s pet rat Scabbers. Much to your surprise, Scabbers turned out to be an Animagus in hiding named Peter Pettigrew.

Before you had the chance to ask him everything you wanted, he used the Memory Charm on you and made you forget all about your encounter.

Luckily, Madam Rakepick heard some parts of your conversation and was able to figure out that Peeves has the vault portrait. Now you have to find the poltergeist and convince him to hand over that portrait to you.


Chapter Summary:

  • Lesson 1: Deletrius
    • Location: Charms Classroom
    • Unlock: 9 Charms Stars
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Lesson 2: Thread the Needle
    • Location: Training Grounds
    • Unlock: 9 Flying Stars
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Task 1: Meet with Rakepick
    • Location: Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom
    • Requirements: None
    • Choice: Decide who will go with you
      • Bill (Bill level 9): +10 Courage
      • Merula: +10 Knowledge
  • Task 2: Visit Fat Friar
    • Location: Hufflepuff Common Room
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Fat Friar why you need his help
      • You’re a ghost: +5 Knowledge
      • You’ve helped me before (26 Empathy): +10 Empathy
      • I’m not sure you can help: +5 Courage
  • Task 3: Visit Bloody Baron
    • Location: Slytherin Common Room
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Decide how to approach the Bloody Baron
      • I’ll take the lead (23 Courage / 26 Courage if you didn’t talk to him before): +10 Courage
      • You take the lead: +5 Empathy
  • Task 4: Visit Nearly Headless Nick
    • Location: Gryffindor Common Room
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Nick which house ghost was the most helpful
      • Fat Friar: +5 Empathy
      • Bloody Baron: +5 Courage
      • Nearly Headless Nick (26 Knowledge): +10 Knowledge
  • Task 5: Visit Grey Lady
    • Location: Ravenclaw Common Room
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Decide who should take the lead
      • I’ll do it (26 Empathy): +10 Empathy
      • You do it: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 6: Visit Binns
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: History of Magic Classroom
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Explain why you wanted both Bill and Merula to visit Binns with you
      • I missed you: +5 Empathy
      • We’re stronger all together: +5 Courage
      • I doubt Rakepick (26 Knowledge): +10 Knowledge
  • Task 7: Talk to Duncan
    • Location: Prefects’ Bathroom
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Guess where Peeves is hiding
      • I’d hide in the Artefact Room: +5 Empathy
      • I’d hide with you (26 Courage): +10 Courage
      • I’d hide in plain sight: +5 Knowledge
  • Chapter Rewards: 250 Coins and 2000 Experience Points
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Before that, you can complete the lessons. Proceed to the Charms classroom for your first lesson of the chapter.

Unlocking the Deletrius lesson requires earning a total of nine stars from Charms classes. Pick the combination of classes most suitable to your liking and hit Start to begin.

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As usual, prioritize bonus progress actions in order to save energy.

And try to successfully complete all of the mini-tasks to gain some extra Empathy points.

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Once you have all the required stars, head back to the classroom to attend the lesson.

Learning the Deletrius spell requires obtaining five stars within three hours. Since all of the stars are needed to pass, it is recommended to avoid starting this lesson if your energy is low.

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Follow the same steps you took during the previous classes and you’ll be done quickly and easily.

Upon earning the fifth star, you’ll be tasked with performing the spell. Trace the wand movement on the screen to do so.

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Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You’ll earn an additional reward for completing the lesson. You can claim it in the Charms section of your Hogwarts Record.

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For the second lesson, proceed to the Training Grounds.

To unlock the Agility Course – Thread the Needle lesson, you need to acquire nine stars from the Flying classes. Like before, pick the class combination you prefer and hit Start to begin.

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Bonus progress actions are quite scarce here, so you’ll likely need to spend more energy here compared to the other classes.

And like before, complete mini-tasks to earn some extra Courage points.

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When you unlock the lesson, head back to the Training Grounds to attend it.

To complete the Agility Course – Thread the Needle, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass.

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Be sure to check out character lines after completing actions. Some of those are quite interesting.

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When you earn all five stars, you’ll be tasked with demonstrating this maneuver. Trace the path on the screen to do so.

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When you are done, hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. This will increase your maximum energy limit by one.

You’ll earn an additional reward for completing the lesson. You can collect it in the Flying section of your Hogwarts Record.

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Now that you’ve dealt with the lessons, you can head to Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom to meet with Madam Rakepick.

She will explain the situation and say what needs to be done.

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She’ll suggest splitting up in order to cover more ground while looking for Peeves. Your job will be to visit the house ghosts with one of your friends.

You can choose to bring either Bill or Merula along. This choice will heavily impact most of the chapter. The main story won’t be affected too much, but the rest of this chapter will differ significantly.

It’s also worth noting that in order to pick Bill, you need to have his friendship at least at level nine, which shouldn’t be hard to achieve at this point.

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The first ghost you will visit is the Fat Friar. Head to the Hufflepuff Common Room when you are ready.

Depending on your house and the friend you bring along, Diego might show up to sneak you in.

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Shortly after, you’ll get to talk with the Fat Friar and ask him about Peeves.

He’ll be curious to know why you seek his aid. You have three response options, but all of these will lead to pretty much the same outcome, so feel free to select whichever one you want.

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You’ll then get to talk to him and see what he has to say about the poltergeist. To do that, you need to earn at least one out of five stars within three hours.

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As always, prioritize bonus progress actions to save energy.

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Sadly, you won’t get much information out of the Fat Friar, so you’ll have to ask elsewhere.

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Proceed to the Slytherin Common Room when you are ready.

If you are not a Slytherin and you took Bill along, Merula will appear to sneak you in. In any case, she won’t be too excited about getting you into her Common Room.

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Shortly after, the friend you brought along will ask if you want to take the lead or if you want them to approach the Bloody Baron. The following scene will be quite different depending on this choice.

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After getting the Bloody Baron’s attention, you’ll be able to ask him some questions. To do that, you need to earn at least one out of five stars within three hours.

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Like before, focus on actions with bonus progress to save energy.

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Once you finish the task, you’ll realize that the Bloody Baron isn’t willing to share much information about Peeves.

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Because of that, you’ll need to ask around some more. Proceed to the Gryffindor Common Room to question Nearly Headless Nick.

Sir Nicholas will be quite surprised to see you and your friend.

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After explaining the situation to him, you’ll get to ask him some questions. Similar to the previous tasks, this one also requires you to obtain at least one out of five stars within three hours.

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There is a bonus progress action tied to Sir Nicholas. Prioritizing it should save you some energy.

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Nearly Headless Nick will give you a piece of advice once you’re done.

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After finding out that you talked to some of the other ghosts, he’ll be curious to know whose advice was the most useful for you so far.

You have three options to respond with. The outcome will be pretty much the same, so feel free to go with the one you prefer.

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The last House Ghost you need to visit is the Grey Lady. Proceed to the Ravenclaw Common Room when you are ready.

If you aren’t a Ravenclaw, Badeea will show up to sneak you in.

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After a bit, you’ll get to choose if you or the friend you took along should talk to the Grey Lady. The following scene will be quite different depending on this choice.

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You’ll then get to talk to her and see if she can tell you something interesting. Like before, you’ll need to earn five stars within three hours. One star is required to pass.

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There is a waiting period afterward, so you should fully complete this task as fast as possible in order to trigger it. It is also worth noting there are actions with bonus progress tied to your character and the Grey Lady.

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Once you are done, the Grey Lady will say that the house ghosts won’t help you.

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You’ll then learn that the house ghosts actually cannot help you.

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Shortly after, you will come to the conclusion that Professor Binns might be able to tell you more.

Before you can proceed, there is a waiting period of three hours.

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Once you are able to continue, head to the History of Magic classroom.

The friend you chose to accompany you will be curious to know why all of you needed to visit Professor Binns. You have three response options. If you, by any chance, fancy that friend, it is recommended to pick the first option. Otherwise, you can go with any of the other two.

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After you explain the situation, Professor Binns will agree to tell you more about poltergeists.

To complete this task, you’ll need to earn five stars within three hours. One star is needed to pass.

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There are bonus progress actions linked to Binns and Bill, so be sure to complete them whenever you get the chance.

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When you are done, you’ll decide to pay a visit to Duncan Ashe and see if he can help you.

Both Bill and Charlie will be in the Prefects’ Bathroom, awaiting your arrival.

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After one hilarious conversation, Duncan will show up.

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You’ll explain the situation to him, but he’ll be very hesitant to lend you his aid. He’ll ask you to guess where Peeves is hiding, and if your answer is interesting, he might help you find him.

You have three different options to choose from. While all options will eventually end up with a similar outcome, Duncan will react best if you pick the third one, so it is recommended to choose that option.

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You’ll then get to talk to Duncan. To complete this task, you need to obtain five stars within eight hours. One star is required to pass.

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There is a bonus progress action tied to Duncan, so if you’re looking to save some energy, it is recommended to do that one as often as possible.

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Once you finish the task, Duncan will agree to help you by setting up a meeting with Peeves.

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Shortly after, Chapter 21 of Year 5 will end. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 250 Coins and 2000 Experience points.

Finally, after questioning all the ghosts, you found the one that was actually helpful. And all that’s left is to confront Peeves and ask him to give you the vault portrait. But will that go as smoothly as you might expect? Or will he want something in return? Find out in the next chapter of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery!

Thank you for reading.