Chapter 38 – Meeting the Merqueen



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Thirty-Eight of Year Six of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. During the previous chapter, you did some final preparations before entering the Black Lake. Once you went down there, you started searching for the location of the final Cursed Vault. You stumbled upon a trident that looked similar to the one you found in the Buried Vault.

Unfortunately, before getting the chance to examine it, a merwoman appeared, and she wasn’t pleased to see you. You tried communicating with her, but sadly, you had no other option but to fight her. After managing to defeat her, you left the place before she got the chance to attack you again.

Later on, you did some research on merpeople and learned that they are very fond of music. This gave you the idea to ask the Weird Sisters if they would be willing to help you make a peace offering to the merpeople.


Chapter Summary:

  • Lesson 1: Space Weather
    • Location: Astronomy Tower
    • Unlock: 9 Astronomy Stars
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Lesson 2: Fairy Cakes to Fairies
    • Location: Transfiguration Classroom
    • Unlock: 9 Transfiguration Stars
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Task 1: Go to Knockturn Alley
    • Location: Knockturn Alley
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Myron what’s your favorite thing about Knockturn Alley
      • The creepy vibe (37 Courage): +10 Courage
      • The style: +5 Empathy
      • I’m not a fan: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 2: Explore Filch’s Office
    • Location: Filch’s Office
    • Requirements: 1 hour – 1/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Flich what type of song you want to write
      • A moving ballad: +5 Empathy
      • A dance tune: +5 Courage
  • Task 3: Go to Three Broomsticks
    • Waiting Time: 2 hours
    • Location: Three Broomsticks
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Choose which song the concert will start with
      • Do the Hippogriff: +5 Courage
      • This is the Night: +5 Knowledge
      • Magic Works: +5 Empathy
  • Task 4: Go to the Lakeshore
    • Waiting Time: 2 hours
    • Location: Lakeshore
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Choice: Choose whether to agree with Merula or with Barnaby
      • Agree with Barnaby about fun: +5 Empathy
      • Agree with Merula about the mission: +5 Knowledge
  • Task 5: Re-enter the Black Lake
    • Location: Black Lake Underwater
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
  • Task 6: Go to the Merperson Village
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Merpeople Village
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Choose to address Merpeople Queen formally or casually
      • Greet her formally: +5 Knowledge
      • Greet her casually: +5 Courage
  • Chapter Rewards: 300 Coins and 2000 Experience Points
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But before that, you should take care of the lessons. Proceed to the Astronomy Tower for the first lesson of the chapter. To unlock the Space Weather lesson, you need to acquire a total of nine stars from the Astronomy classes. Select the class duration you prefer, and hit Start once you are ready to begin.

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As usual, focus on bonus progress actions in order to save as much energy as possible.

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Also, try your best to complete all of the mini-tasks successfully to earn some extra Knowledge points.

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Return to the Astronomy Tower once you earn enough stars to unlock the lessons. To complete the Space Weather lesson, you need to obtain five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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Pay attention to Professor Sinistra’s question during the lesson. Other than that, this one is fairly similar to most other classes.

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When you are done, hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You can collect an additional reward in the Astronomy section of your Hogwarts Record.

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Proceed to the Transfiguration classroom for the second lesson of the chapter. To unlock the Fairy Cakes to Fairies lesson, you need to obtain nine stars from the Transfiguration classes. Select the class duration suitable to your liking and hit Start to begin.

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Prioritize actions with bonus progress whenever they are available if you are looking to save some energy.

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As for the mini-tasks, successfully completing each of these will grant you some Knowledge points.

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Return to the classroom when you acquire enough stars to unlock the lesson. Learning how to transfigure Fairy Cakes to Fairies requires obtaining five stars within three hours. All five stars are needed to pass, which is why you shouldn’t start this lesson if you are low on energy.

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As one of the mini-tasks, Professor McGonagall will ask you a question unique to this lesson.

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Once you earn the fifth star, you will be tasked with casting the spell. Trace the wand movement to do so.

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Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You’ll be able to claim an additional reward in the Transfiguration section of your Hogwarts Record.

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You can continue the story now that the lessons are out of the way. Proceed to Knockturn Alley when you are ready. Upon arriving, you will get to interact with some of the characters and see what they have to say. You’ll thank Alanza for your meeting, and she’ll say she’s always happy to help with something enjoyable, rather than something that could lead to trouble.

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You’ll smile cheekily, mentioning that she might get the chance to do both and you’ll share that Merpeople love music, all while filling her in on recent events.

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She will comment that her grandmother says that arriving without an invitation is impolite. Shortly after, you’ll also explain to her your plan to make peace with the merpeople by holding a concert for them.

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That is why you’ll need the help of the Weird Sisters. Speaking of them, all three members of the Weird Sisters will arrive. Alanza will greet them happily and ask if they remember you. The following lines of dialogue will differ, depending on whether or not you completed the Weird Sisters adventure. If you did, some of its events will be referenced here.

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Alanza will say it was your idea to meet in the Knockturn Alley and, as it appears the Weird Sisters really like the place.

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Myron will ask you a question about the Knockturn Alley. There are three options to reply with. If you like the Weird Sisters, it is somewhat recommended to pick the first or the second option. Otherwise, feel free to choose whichever one you prefer.

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Shortly after, Alanza will explain the proposition you have for the band. She’ll say that she heard they have ambitions to play in the Great Hall someday, so she will suggest they play at the Black Lake as a warm-up. Myron will find it odd that you’re asking them to hold a concert at the Black Lake.

You’ll simply ask them to hear you out before making a decision. Talking to the Weird Sisters requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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There are reward actions linked to Myron and your character. Prioritize these if you want to save as much energy as possible.

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Orsino will suggest that the Black Lake could be a great place for a rock concert, and Alanza will add that there will be a large crowd in the audience. You’ll mention the possibility of some merpeople showing up to enjoy the music, an idea that Orsino enthusiastically embraces. Unfortunately, there is a problem. Apparently, Kirley’s eighteen-string guitar has been confiscated by Mr. Filch.

You’ll offer to retrieve the guitar in exchange for their agreement to hold a concert, a deal Miron readily will accept, though retrieving the guitar might present a challenge. Still, you will be quite confident you’ll fulfill your end of the agreement.

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Proceed to the Caretaker’s Office to look for Kirley’s guitar. As you arrive, you’ll quickly survey the area to locate the instrument, with Alanza cautioning about Filch’s potential return to his office, and you confidently reassuring her that you’ll find Kirley’s guitar. Moments later, you will spot a guitar in one of the corners of the office.

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Alanza will urge you to take the guitar and leave the place, but unfortunately, before you get the chance to do that, Mr. Filch will arrive and ask you to explain yourself.

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Alanza will have difficulty coming up with a suitable excuse, but she’ll then spot Mrs. Norris and warmly greet the cat.

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The Caretaker will think that it’s strange that Mrs. Norris likes someone other than him, which will give you an interesting idea. You’ll tell Filch that both you and Alanza like his cat, and he’ll have a hard time believing that. He’ll also say that you shouldn’t be in his office.

You’ll explain that you only wanted to write a song for Mrs. Norris and needed a guitar for it, but the Caretaker won’t be convinced and will want to take both of you to the Headmaster’s office. Alanza will quickly try to tell him that you just want to write a song about his cat. You’ll then ask Mr. Filch to tell you what he loves about Mrs. Norris, and when the cat purrs happily, you’ll smile and say that she likes the idea.

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In the end, the Caretaker will agree to your proposition. Talking to Filch about Mrs. Norris requires earning five stars within one hour. Only one star is needed to pass.

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There are bonus actions linked to the Caretaker and his cat. Prioritize those actions to save energy.

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Both Alanza and you will say some nice words to try and convince Mr. Filch to let you off the hook. Alanza will tell Flich that his dedication to Mrs Norris and his admiration for her are commendable, and you’ll add that Mrs Norris deserves to be celebrated with her own song.

He’ll be interested to know more about the song you are planning to write. There are two options to choose from. Both of these will lead to the same outcome, so feel free to pick either one.

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In the end, Mr. Filch will allow you to take the guitar and mention that he hopes the song about Mrs. Norris turns out well. You’ll smile and assure him that the cat will like the song. After a while, the Caretaker will leave his office, and Alanza will be happy with how things turned out.

Now that you have the guitar, you can return it to the Weird Sisters and fulfill your end of the agreement. Unfortunately, you will have to wait two hours until they are ready to meet with you. Since you will likely be low on energy at this point, it is recommended to wait and let it recharge in the meantime.

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Head to the Three Broomsticks once the waiting time is over. Upon arriving, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. You will happily deliver Kirley’s guitar to him.

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Myron will be very pleased that you managed to get the guitar, and Orsino will be curious to know how you did it. Alanza will explain then.

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The Weird Sisters will thank you for returning Kirley’s guitar, and Alanza will propose beginning the Black Lake concert preparations. You’ll wonder about what kind of music merpeople like, and The Weird Sisters will notice your interest in entertaining them. Both you and Alanza will try to explain this without mentioning the Cursed Vault.

Alanza will say that you only think the whole wizarding world deserves to experience the Weird Sisters’ music, and you will follow up and say that all creatures should have the opportunity to appreciate their brilliant songs. Shortly after, you will start planning the concert.

To do that, you need to earn five stars within three hours. All five stars are needed to pass, which is why you shouldn’t start this task if your energy bar is empty.

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There are bonus actions linked to Myron and your character. Focus on those if you want to save some energy.

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Once you’re done planning, everything will be ready for the concert. Still, there is a matter of the opening song. Myron and Orsino will explain the importance of picking the proper first song.

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Alanza will ask about song options, Myron will offer three choices for the opening song, and Kirley will recommend that you make the initial song selection. You will then get to decide about the opening song. This choice will have some impact on the next task, but it won’t influence the outcome of the story, so feel free to pick the song you like the most.

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Moments later, everything will be ready for the concert. Unfortunately, you will have to wait two hours until the concert starts. Since you are probably low on energy at this point, it is recommended to wait and let your energy recharge in the meantime.

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Proceed to the Lakeshore once the waiting time is over. When you arrive, you will notice a crowd of fans eager to enjoy some music. Barnaby will be also very excited about the concert.

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Merula will remind him why you organized the concert in the first place. Merula will remind him why you organized the concert in the first place. Still, Barnaby will suggest having some fun in the process, but The Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts will disagree with his idea.

You’ll then get to choose if you prefer having some fun or if the mission is of utmost importance. If you like Barnaby, it is somewhat recommended to side with him. On the other hand, if you like Merula, you should probably take her side.

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You will notice that Merula is behaving very grumpy… well, grumpier than usual. Apparently, she won’t be too happy that you planned everything without informing her.

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You will try to explain your reasoning to her. You’ll say the whole point of finding moles is to beat them to the final Cursed Vault, but she’ll still feel left out.

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Barnaby will mention that the concert is coming up soon and ask if you’re ready to go back to the Black Lake if your plan works and Merula will suggest talking about it. Discussing your plan requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

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There are two reward actions linked to your character. Prioritize those actions if you want to save as much energy as possible.

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Shortly after you’re done discussing the plan, the concert will start. Alanza will step out on the stage and introduce the band everyone’s been waiting for – the Weird Sisters.

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Myron will take the stage and say that the first song is dedicated to you.

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You will then get to enjoy the song you chose previously.

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As it seems, Barnaby really likes the Weird Sisters.

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For a moment, you will even catch a glimpse of Merula smiling. Sadly, as soon as you turn to her, she will revert back to her usual self. Moments later, she will tell you to take a look at the lake and you’ll spot two merpeople enjoying the music near the lakeshore.

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You’ll soon notice the merwoman you dueled in the lake, and when she smiles and waves at you, it becomes clear that your plan is working.

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You’ll see that as the invitation to re-enter the Black Lake. Enter the Black Lake when you are ready. This time, you will properly introduce yourself to the merwoman.

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You’ll say that you are happy to see her again and apologize for entering the Black Lake without permission and you’ll say you are sorry you fought her. The merwoman will seem to share the same sentiment.

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You’ll tell her you hope she enjoyed the concert, and when she smiles happily, you’ll explain why you came to the Black Lake in the first place.

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She will look at you curiously and you’ll suggest explaining it to her. Perhaps that way she could have a better understanding of what you’re looking for. The merwoman will happily agree to your suggestion. Talking to her requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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There are two bonus actions tied to your character. Focus on those if you want to save some energy.

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You will thank the merwoman for being willing to listen to you and ask if she or someone else she knows could point you to the location of the Cursed Vault. The merwoman will suddenly start swimming away and you’ll realize she wants you to follow her.

Unfortunately, you will have to wait three hours until you can do that. Since this chapter is not time-limited, simply wait for a while and let your energy recharge in the meantime.

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Head to the Merperson village once the waiting time is over. Upon arriving, you will find yourself in a beautiful underwater village.

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You’ll ask the merwoman if she can find someone in her village to help you with the Cursed Vault, and she’ll signal for you to wait. As you wait, you’ll check out the surroundings and see an ancient merperson statue.

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You’ll also see a lost city in the distance.

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Before long, the merwoman will return, accompanied by three other merpeople. You will notice that one of them is wearing a crown.

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You will realize that you’re in the presence of a Merqueen. You’ll then get to choose if you want to address her formally or casually. Needless to say, greeting her formally will leave a better first impression.

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You’ll tell the Merqueen you’re looking for a Cursed Vault and how it’s crucial to find it before an evil Dark witch. You’ll offer to do anything in return for her help, and she’ll give you a curious look.

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You will confirm that you are willing to do whatever is needed and The Merqueen will show you some of the objects in her possession.

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You will assume she wants you to inspect those objects. This requires earning five stars within three hours. All five stars are needed to pass, which is why it’s not recommended to start this task if you are low on energy.

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There are bonus actions linked to the Merqueen and the necklace. Prioritize those if you want to save as much energy as possible.

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Upon carefully inspecting the objects, you will realize that they are damaged.

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You will offer to bring her new versions of those items in exchange for her showing you the location of the Cursed Vault. The Merqueen will seem to agree with your proposition and you’ll promise her you will return with the items as soon as possible.

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With this, Chapter 38 of Year 6 will come to an end. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 300 Coins and 2000 Experience Points.

Will you be able to procure the items for the Merqueen? Will you encounter any difficulties while doing so? Find out in the next chapter of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery.

Thank you for reading.