The hard part is over, at least I think so… I’ve managed to convince the Slytherin Prefect to attend the Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch match. That means no one will be at their Common Room while I look for the Black Quill. It went remarkably easy… as if he wanted me to convince him to leave their Common Room. Oh well, I’m not gonna complain about it. All that’s left now is to learn the Shrinking Charm and see if I can use it on myself. But what if it goes wrong? How will I control the size I shrink to? What if there are some side effects I am unaware of? I should probably consult Professor Flitwick about it… But will that be a smart thing to do? I guess it’s better than using the spell blindly…

Those thoughts were rotating inside my head for quite some time while I was on my way to the Charms Classroom. I was dreaded by the thought that something could go devastatingly wrong and that I could end up severely injured… or worse… Still, I have to do anything in my power to help Ben. He did save the three of us back in that Icy Room. Who knows what could’ve happened had he not blasted the Ice off of that door… Now is my turn… At least I owe him that much…

“Excuse me, Professor Flitwick?” I addressed the Professor once I got near his table.

“What is it, Mr. Edwards?” He asked.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery FanFiction Year 2 Part 2

“I have some questions about the Shrinking Charm…” I said.

“Very well,” he replied, curious to hear why I am so interested in that particular spell.

“Does the Shrinking Charm work on humans? Can you control how small you shrink? How does one avoid being stepped on?” I asked. I am fairly sure he suspects what I’m up to, but at least I didn’t say anything about entering the Slytherin Common Room.

“Using the Shrinking Charm to shrink oneself would be complicated, dangerous, and incredibly foolish,” he answered with much more serious tone than usual.

“I don’t disagree,” I replied. Perhaps asking this was a bad idea…

“I am going to ask you a question, and I strongly suggest you tell the truth if you wish to avoid further punishment… Are you planning to break school rules yet again, Mr. Edwards?” He asked.

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“Yes, but only because I think it might help me find Ben,” I answered honestly.

“I’m concerned about Mr. Copper myself, but the Headmaster is well aware of the situation. You should stay out of it, and you certainly should not use the Shrinking Charm on yourself,” he advised me. “Please take your seat.”

Shortly after, the class started.

“Welcome, class. Today, we will be learning Reducio.” Professor Flitwick started the introduction. “The Shrinking Charm enables you to decrease the apparent physical size of your target. And it should never, ever, be used on one’s self. Let us begin.”

As usual, the Professor took great patience in tutoring us. I’ve always found his lessons to be the most interesting and fun. Partly it was due to him being extremely knowledgeable and skilled and partly it was because of his sense of humor. He always tried to use some jokes and witty remarks to make his lectures more interesting for students. And for the most part, he was quite successful. It didn’t take a long time until I figured out how to cast the Shrinking Charm. I pointed my wand towards the cauldron and performed a few precise movements while uttering the word – “Reducio!” The spell worked and the cauldron shrank to a much smaller size.

“Well done, Mr. Edwards,” he praised me. “Remember, just because you know a spell, does not mean you need to cast it outside of class. Especially when a professor has expressly forbidden it…”

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I guess I will have to give it my best not to get caught. I really want to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation… With that in mind, I left the classroom, prepared to put the plan into fruition.


The Dungeon Corridor felt a lot creepier than usual. It was likely due to the fact that most of the students went to watch the Quidditch match. There was no cheerful laughter nor student running around to lighten up the atmosphere. This made it feel especially spooky and gloomy. Rowan was already near the Slytherin Common Room, waiting for me.

“You look almost as nervous as me, Dylan,” he said once I approached him. “Did you take care of the Slytherin Prefect?”

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“I tricked him into staying at the match until it ends. We’ll be gone long before then,” I answered. This made my friend smile.

“Very cunning, Dylan. I am starting to think the Sorting Hat may have been wrong about you,” he replied. “This is your last chance to change your mind. Are you sure you’re ready?”

“I’ve studied and practiced these spells. I’m ready,” I answered, determined to pull this through.

“Good luck, Dylan. If anyone can do this, it’s you,” he said.

“I didn’t think about it until now, but I don’t even know what the room looks like. How will I know where to search for the quill?” I wondered. That was perhaps the only flaw of the plan. I guess I’ll have to improvise…

“Shh! Here they come!” Rowan pulled me to the side as some Slytherin students were coming out of their Common Room.

“Quick! Cast Reducio and sneak inside before the door closes! I’ll stand watch and make sure no one walks in on you. Go! Go!” He said as soon as those walked past us.

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It’s now or never, I said to myself as I was performing the Shrinking Charm. I tried not to worry or think about what could go wrong as I was casting it. Those few seconds felt like an eternity. Once I was done, I noticed that everything around me started becoming larger and larger. It worked.

“I can’t believe it actually worked!” He said, completely surprised by the results of the spell. “I mean, of course, it worked. It was a well-formulated plan, and you’re an amazing wizard. Now get inside that Common Room and find the Black Quill!”


The interior of the Slytherin Common room was unlike anything I’ve seen so far. First of all, it was partly underwater, which gave it a unique feel. Because of this, it lacked any natural illumination, so it was much darker than Gryffindor Common Room. It also had several couches and tables around as well as the fireplace. It was awfully quiet in here. I was about to use the Engorgement Charm on myself when I heard the faint noise on the opposite side of the room. Apparently, I am not alone. Someone else is in here. I turned around and slowly sneaked behind one of the couches. From there, I quietly proceeded toward the origin of the noise.

I cautiously peeked from behind the couch to see who else is in the room. She was sitting on one of the chairs, apparently writing something. What I heard was the sound of her quill writing on a paper parchment. Her back was turned to me, but I could recognize that hair from a mile away. It was Merula. Apparently, she was so busy writing something that she didn’t even notice me. However, it is mostly due to the fact that in my current state, it was fairly difficult for anyone to notice me.

She was deeply focused on whatever she was writing. Sadly, I couldn’t see much from down here. She was writing very slowly. Each time she finished writing several words, she paused and placed one of her hands on her forehead as if she was heavily considering what to write next. It took me a bit to notice, but her back was shaking slightly. She was upset about something… But what could it be to cause her to react that way? What was distressing her so much? A couple of times, she turned and looked around like she was trying to see if there was anyone else in the room. That’s when I noticed her eyes. They were tearful, filled with sorrow. There was some heavy burden upon her, something she never displayed in front of anyone else. Some time has passed until she continued writing. Now I could clearly hear her sobbing. She wasn’t hiding it anymore. At that moment, I wanted to comfort her, to share her pain, to be her crying shoulder. I wanted to understand what she was going through, to support and be there for her. Alas, the sad reality is that she would likely report me to Professor Snape for entering her Common Room. It was a serious offense, one that would definitely get me into big trouble.

Shortly after, she was done writing. She took the parchment, and carefully placed it inside an envelope. I could notice her hands were shaking while she was doing that. She was still upset. So, it was a letter she was writing… She placed it inside one of the pockets of her robe. Then, she carefully wiped the tears off her gorgeous face. Afterward, she turned to the fireplace and started gazing at it. She was deeply in her thoughts. I could notice a few tears dripping down her cheeks. She didn’t seem to notice it. A few minutes later, she stood up and left the room…

I was shocked… I never got to see this side of her before. Not like this at least. This was the proof I needed that she isn’t entirely bad. Sure, she does have a “rough” exterior, but I think it’s just a mask. For whatever reason, she is hiding her true self from others. Perhaps she is afraid of trusting others? Afraid of getting hurt? I… I don’t know, but I am determined to find out.

Anyway, now is my chance to look for the Black Quill. I took out my wand, waved it just like Professor Flitwick instructed and then I spoke the word – “Engorgio”. The spell worked and I was back to my original size. Now where to start…

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I quickly went searching through the room. I looked at all of the placed I found convenient for hiding things – shelves, desk drawers, beneath the couches, under the tables, etc. After looking for a while, I found the quill hidden under one of the couches. Hopefully, it’s the one described in the note… I should quickly get out of here before someone comes back.


“Professor Snape!” I yelled, almost screamed, completely surprised to see him as I was leaving the Slytherin Common Room. Next to him was Slytherin Prefect, Felix Rosier.

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“I tried to warn you, Dylan, but these Slytherins are sneaky!” Rowan said to me. Apparently, he got caught before having a chance to react and warn me.

“Be quiet, Khanna,” Snape said with a cold tone. “Rosier returned to ensure Gryffindors weren’t attempting some foolish prank on the Slytherin Common Room. When he noticed Khanna’s suspicious behavior, he did as he’s been told, and found his Head of House. Then we find you leaving our Common Room. A place you know you are forbidden to enter. I will give you one opportunity to explain you reprehensible behavior, Edwards. Know that any attempt to deceive me will only make your punishment worse…”

What should I do… I don’t want to get in trouble again… I guess I should tell him the truth… at least some of it…

“I only did it because I was trying to find my friend, Ben Copper,” I replied. “We found a note to him that told him to retrieve a secret message from the Slytherin Common Room.”

“Who wrote this supposed note?” Snape asked with a curious look.

“I don’t know. It was signed, ‘R.’” I answered, trying to maintain a completely honest look.

“The letter R?” Apparently, this intrigued him.

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“Yes, Professor,” I said.

“What else did this note say?” He asked. Looks like he knows something about it.

“That failure to follow the instructions would result in ‘severe punishment.’” I replied, trying to avoid mentioning the Black Quill.

“…Leave.” He calmly ordered.

“You aren’t going to take House Points from him?” Felix asked, completely surprised by Snape’s decision.

“Am I suddenly required to explain myself to you, Rosier?” Professor angrily replied.
This made Felix regret saying those words and frankly, it reminded me how scary Snape can be…

“No, Professor. I’m sorry,” he quietly answered.

“If Edwards ever approaches the Slytherin Common Room again, I will give Mr. Filch permission to reinstate his most painful punishments. Now, all of you be gone. I need to get an owl to the Headmaster,” he ordered.

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He didn’t need to tell me twice. Both Rowan and I quietly turned and went back to our Common Room. Now, this is a lot to take in… What will we find out once we untransfigure the Black Quill? Was it a good idea not to mention it to the Professor? I can’t help but wonder… And also, what was Merula writing? Who could she be writing to? What was it that upset her so much? All those questions were filling my head as we were making our way to our Common Room. I guess I can’t focus on everything at the same time… For the time being, I should try my best to find Ben and save him from whatever trouble he’s in… Hopefully, it’ll distract me from thinking about her… at least for a while…

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