I’m sure you’ve all heard of this one. One of the most popular spells there is. Levitation Charm or better known as Wingardium Leviosa. You will learn this spell in year one chapter five from Professor Flitwick in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mistery mobile game.

Wingardium Leviosa is one of the basic charms freshman students will learn. As the name says upon casting Levitation Charm you will make an object levitate or fly. This spell has a lot of popularity even in the wizarding world. Because what is a wizard that can’t move objects with a swing of a wand?

A little bit of a background story on this charm. The guy who invented Levitation Charm was Jarleth Hobart. A really funny spell developer that wanted to stand out. He wanted to make a dream into a reality. His dream was to make himself fly. He succeeded, well kind of. When he finally developed the Levitation Charm he wanted to make the first test public, so he invited a lot of wizards to come in front of a local church. The show was about to begin. Hobart flicked his wand and pronounced Wingardium Leviosa. All of a sudden he started to lift off, but that’s just it. He was only levitating, he couldn’t move. The crowd was not impressed. He desperately tried to move through the air using a swimming technique that didn’t work. He thought his clothes were making him too heavy, so he took them off. Little that he knew, he was flying only because he charmed his clothes not his body. Afterward, he came to a conclusion that you can only lift objects, and the weight you can lift is only limited by the amount of skill and power the caster has.

In order to cast your first Levitation Charm, you must learn all about it. You will have to put a lot of energy points in the learning process in order to learn how to cast it. This spell may look easy, but it isn’t. The thing about charms is that it takes a lot of practice. It isn’t all about power in the magic world. Good posture and stance have a large role in casting charms.

Also the most important thing, you can’t cast your charms if you don’t pronounce them right. Like Hermione Granger said to Ron Weasley “It’s Levi-O-sa, not Levio-sar“.

Finally, when you’re done learning everything you need to know, you will be given the movement path of your first Levitation Charm. The path won’t be too hard. It will look like an upsidedown letter “n“.

If you’ve done everything correctly your feather will rise up and start to levitate. You will unlock Wingardium Leviosa and it will earn you +5 Gems that you can spend on in-game features.


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