Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Gotham Memoirs Chapter 4 Stage 7 Dress up Time Princess. In the previous stage, many beautiful things happened. The trial began with an aggressive interrogation of both you and your colleague Mr. Edmund Davis. Before the jury withdrew and made a decision, you left another piece of evidence. This evidence turned out to be crucial in the final decision. The audio reels you provided to the judge were able to refute the lawsuit filed against you and your colleague. You have managed to defend yourself and peacefully continue your life as you planned. Stage 7 is crucial for several reasons. The most important reason is that this is the end of your adventure with Mr. Edmund Davis. And this stage has different ends. More on that below in text. Start once you are ready to begin stage 7.

Several days have passed since you won the trial. Everything seems to have settled, and you can finally take a break. It has been a while since you got to sleep in, and it feels wonderful. Somebody is banging on the door. You open the door and come to face with an unexpected guest.

Pulitzer Prize

Mr. Edmund Davis wants to bring you two bits of good news. In-person. He can’t wait to tell you. You glance at the messy pile of clothes and blankets out of the corner of your eye. And discreetly step between Davis and your bed to block it from his view.

First, the cases of the missing girls have been re-opened for investigation. Prosecutor Diane Boseman will be in charge of them. She will definitely do her best to solve the cases. Since she had the audio reels ready, she must have suspected Mr. Steven Harris for a long while now. And she might have other evidence on hand.

The other good news. The Newspaper Association has revoked his punishment. You can start publishing again.

The news excites you more than the first one. You feel a surge of emotions when you see Edmund’s genuine smile. Overcome with elation, you throw your arms around him in a hug. Mr. Edmund Davis chuckles lightly and returns the embrace. Leaning your head against his chest, you feel warm and relieved. Tears of relief threaten to spill from your eyes. You tighten your arms around him, burying your face in his chest to hide your tears. Your tears are making his shirt wet. He holds you tighter without saying a word.

You melt into his embrace, completely enveloped in his arms.  He sighs softly, resting his chin on your shoulder. You are so close that you can smell the fresh scent of his aftershave. He strokes your back soothingly, and it makes you feel warm and at ease. You feel you have found your answer.

Mr. Edmund Davis is at the door. What he said earlier made you blush. Go on a date with him in something Noble and Formal.

Edmund drives you to the office excitedly. Thanks to the smooth traffic today, you reach your destination in no time.

Mr. Edmund Davis leads you along the corridor, taking your hand like it’s the most natural thing in the world. You let him pull you along, feeling conscious of your sweaty palm in his. Your heart is filled with a bittersweet feeling, and you do not want to let go. Staring at his broad shoulders and sleek blonde hair, you notice for the first time.

You thought there wouldn’t be anyone at the office, but White welcomes you. You see several colleagues standing at the entrance before you even step into the office. Besides White, there are a few familiar-looking faces from the other departments. They gather around Edmund and you the moment they see you.

Mr. Edmund Davis pulls out a key and unlocks the door to the office. You watch as Edmund gallantly leads the group into the Gotham Times. He steps into an office flooded with sunlight. The storm has passed, and there’s a bright future ahead.

A thin layer of fust has collected on the office desk and floor over the past two weeks. Nobody minds and some of them already cleaning up their workstations. You stare blankly at everything happening around you, your thoughts in a jumble.

You can’t believe it’s really over. It’s just like dream. You are glad to see Gotham Times back to normal. Mr. Edmund Davis says that Gotham Times is going to be better than before. Davis says something but White interrupts the conversation.

You turn around to see White holding a camera, with the rest of the group standing behind him. Take a group photo to commemorate the reopening of the office. Everyone tries to squeeze into the frame, arms around one another. They laugh and push Edmund to the front when he walks over to join them. You follow Mr. Edmund Davis and stand next to him.

You pose and smile brightly at the camera. Suddenly, Davis wraps his around your shoulder and pulls you up against you. Startled, both your pose and smile are ruined. What is your option? Option 1 (Tease him back) or Option 2 (Do nothing).

Tease him back
Do nothing

If you select Option 1 (Tease him back), Davis Goodwill goes up. You will think of how he is always teasing you. You must get back at him this time. An idea comes to your mind.

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If you select Option 2 (Do nothing), Edmund will say that he is just trying to get closer to his best partner. You turn and smile at the camera hastily, ignoring Edmund’s nonsense.

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A mansion on New York Long Island, three weeks later. The old man in the big mansion will say: Look what you’ve done. That refers to newspapers.

The young man is a murderer. He says that it was the most efficient way to do it. It will raise public suspicion, but those fools won’t be able to figure anything out. Since that useless fool has already been dealt with, let’s not quarrel over him, says Middle-aged man. The old man slams the tip of his cane on the floor. 

He frowns, as though he’s just realized something. A few of the guys are still here in the mansion. Other guys found a small island to play around with their last batch of goods. They have been gone for a week.

The middle-aged man takes a sip of tea as he watches the frowning old man. Someone already found someone to take Harris’ place.

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Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Gotham Memoirs Chapter 4 Stage 7 Dress up Time Princess. In the previous stage, many beautiful things happened. The trial began with an aggressive interrogation of both you and your colleague Mr. Edmund Davis. Before the jury withdrew and made a decision, you left another piece of evidence. This evidence turned out to be crucial in the final decision. The audio reels you provided to the judge were able to refute the lawsuit filed against you and your colleague. You have managed to defend yourself and peacefully continue your life as you planned. Stage 7 is crucial for several reasons. The most important reason is that this is the end of your adventure with Mr. Edmund Davis. And this stage has different ends. More on that below in text. In Davis’s route, successfully obtain Taylor’s notebook in Stage 4-3 and Diane’s audio reels in Stage 4-4.

  1. In Diane’s route, successfully obtain evidence from Chairman Harris’s safe in Stage 3-12 and vehicle permits from Charlotte in Stage 4-13.
  2. In Vittorio’s route, successfully obtain Bible from Juliano’s study in Stage 4-17 and kill off Juliano in Stage 4-19.
  3. Obtain Ending: Mafia Couple in Vittorio’s route and Ending: A Successful Official in Diane’s route.
  4. Obtain Ending: Mafia Couple in Vittorio’s route and Ending: A Successful Official in Diane’s route.
  5. Start once you are ready to begin stage 7.

Several days have passed since you won the trial. Everything seems to have settled, and you can finally take a break. It has been a while since you got to sleep in, and it feels wonderful. Somebody is banging on the door. You open the door and come to face with an unexpected guest.

Mr. Edmund Davis wants to bring you two bits of good news. In-person. He can’t wait to tell you. You glance at the messy pile of clothes and blankets out of the corner of your eye. And discreetly step between Davis and your bed to block it from his view.

First, the cases of the missing girls have been re-opened for investigation. Prosecutor Diane Boseman will be in charge of them. She will definitely do her best to solve the cases. Since she had the audio reels ready, she must have suspected Mr. Steven Harris for a long while now. And she might have other evidence on hand.

The other good news. The Newspaper Association has revoked his punishment. You can start publishing again.

The news excites you more than the first one. You feel a surge of emotions when you see Edmund’s genuine smile. Overcome with elation, you throw your arms around him in a hug. Mr. Edmund Davis chuckles lightly and returns the embrace. Leaning your head against his chest, you feel warm and relieved. Tears of relief threaten to spill from your eyes. You tighten your arms around him, burying your face in his chest to hide your tears. Your tears are making his shirt wet. He holds you tighter without saying a word. You melt into his embrace, completely enveloped in his arms. 

He sighs softly, resting his chin on your shoulder. You are so close that you can smell the fresh scent of his aftershave. He strokes your back soothingly, and it makes you feel warm and at ease. You feel you have found your answer.

Mr. Edmund Davis is at the door. What he said earlier made you blush. Go on a date with him in something Noble and Formal.

Edmund drives you to the office excitedly. Thanks to the smooth traffic today, you reach your destination in no time.

Mr. Edmund Davis leads you along the corridor, taking your hand like it’s the most natural thing in the world. You let him pull you along, feeling conscious of your sweaty palm in his. Your heart is filled with a bittersweet feeling, and you do not want to let go. Staring at his broad shoulders and sleek blonde hair, you notice for the first time.

You thought there wouldn’t be anyone at the office, but White welcomes you. You see several colleagues standing at the entrance before you even step into the office. Besides White, there are a few familiar-looking faces from the other departments. They gather around Edmund and you the moment they see you. Mr. Edmund Davis pulls out a key and unlocks the door to the office. You watch as Edmund gallantly leads the group into the Gotham Times. He steps into an office flooded with sunlight. The storm has passed, and there’s a bright future ahead.

A mansion on New York Long Island, three weeks later. The old man in the big mansion will say: Look what you’ve done. That refers to newspapers.

The young man is a murderer. He says that it was the most efficient way to do it. It will raise public suspicion, but those fools won’t be able to figure anything out. Since that useless fool has already been dealt with, let’s not quarrel over him, says Middle-aged man. The old man slams the tip of his cane on the floor. 

He frowns, as though he’s just realized something. A few of the guys are still here in the mansion. Other guys found a small island to play around with their last batch of goods. They have been gone for a week.

The middle-aged man takes a sip of tea as he watches the frowning old man. Someone already found someone to take Harris’ place.

Things have returned to normal at the Gotham Times. Councilman Steven Harris withdrew from elections due to public pressure. Prosecutor Diane Boseman charged Councilman Steven Harris with human trafficking and other crimes, but he pleaded not guilty. It’s only a matter of time before he’s convicted since you have more than enough evidence on your hands. It all feels unreal to you sometimes. Everything is going too smoothly compared to before.

Mr. Edmund Davis sounds serious. It is about Councilman Steven Harris. He was found dead in his study. They said he shot himself in the mouth. The police have sealed off the scene. He left the suicide note admitting to his crimes. He admitted to being the mastermind behind the cases you have been investigating, including Jessica’s death and the missing girls. Hearing this, you are not glad about the news at all. Everything seems to be going too smoothly. You arrive at the police station, unsure of what’s going on. You quickly grab hold of Jack who happens to be on duty today.

They received the report just a short while ago. Councilman Steven Harris’ daughter is still giving her statement in the interrogation room. You can talk to her when she is done. Even though you know it was the right thing to do, you don’t know how you should face her, being the one who exposed her father’s crimes. The door of the interrogation room opens as you ponder. You look up and meet Miss Charlotte Harris’s gaze just as she walks out of the room. She looks at you blankly, her eyes devoid of hatred and fury. You approach her hesitantly.

Miss Charlotte Harris shakes her head slightly, exhaustion and grief showing on her face. You are surprised she doesn’t push you away and relieved at the same time.

You believe Councilman Harris’ death is not a simple as it seems. Councilman Harris refused to plead guilty and was fighting back in court. It doesn’t make sense for him to suddenly write a confession and end his life.

Miss Charlotte Harris doesn’t believe her father would do something like that. Although you assume he is murdered, Miss Harris says that police told her there was no evidence of homicide.

A few days later, you receive a call from Miss Charlotte Harris at the office. She says that her father had personal bodyguards, so he didn’t usually carry a gun. The only gun he owned was a collectible ivory-handled Colt revolver that was kept in the locked drawer of his desk. The magazine was always kept empty because of the gun’s special caliber. When he was found dead in the study, the drawer was open and the gun was still empty. The drawer key was lying on the ground under the desk.

She asked the owner of the gun shop they used to frequent, and he said your father didn’t make any purchases. Charlotte whispers something on the other end of the line. Charlotte hastily ends the call without waiting for you to say goodbye. And so, Mr. Edmund Davis and you begin a new round of investigations based on your only clue. You know that Councilman Harris was the founder of the Tiger Charity Association. It appears to be a charity organization on the surface, but it makes use of various projects to evade tax and launder the money for its members.

Edmund and you suspect the organization might be behind Councilman Harris’ death since he probably had incriminating evidence against them. The members of the Tiger Charity Association are mostly politicians and wealthy businessmen in important positions. They also established an organization called the ‘’Tammany Hall’’ behind the scenes. Edmund and you might seem totally helpless next to this mysterious and powerful organization… But you will never give up on pursuing the truth.

Five years have passed since Councilman Harris’ death, and Mr. Edmund Davis and you have been investigating non-stop. At least, your efforts have paid off. The truth finally comes to light, and you gain some unexpected rewards in the process.

You can’t help laughing at Edmund’s dramatic gesture. And here it is.

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In this way, the most beautiful end of a very beautiful story was hit. Stage 7 has officially closed the story with Mr. Edmund Davis. But far from all the stories are over. The story goes on and there is an end to the story. Follow our walkthrough to continue the game.
Thank you for reading.