Hello everyone and welcome to the walkthrough for Case Files of the Case Hunter, puzzle game. On this page, you can find the solution for Case Files 7-9.

The Case Files are a bit different than the standard cases because, in this chapter, you will be mostly investigating murder cases. The gameplay is also a bit different. In the first part of the investigation, we will gather clues, collect the evidence, and take statements from the witnesses. In the second part of the investigation, we will reconstruct the case, uncover the motive for the crime, and finally, arrest the criminal.   

Case File 07 “Missing Witch”

The local witch was under house arrest because she kidnapped a lot of people during a period of time. However, she suddenly went missing. Our task is to find out what happened to the witch.

First, let’s take a closer look at the mouse hole on our right.

Tap on the mouse hall to take a photo and file it as evidence. If you take a closer look at the evidence photo, you will notice the tiny footprints leading into the mouse hall.

Next, let’s tap on the cauldron to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the cauldron to take a photo and file it as evidence. It seems that the witch was preparing a shrinking potion. So, she probably used it on herself and escaped through the mouse hole.

Next, tap on the basket on the right to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the small spider to pick it up. After that, tap on the basket to take a photo and file it as evidence. In the basket, we found all the ingredients for the shrinking potion. These ingredients can only be found in Spider Forest, so it looks like the witch had some outside help (someone must have brought her the ingredients because the witch was under house arrest).

Next, let’s take a closer look at the bed.

Tap on the clothes to take a photo and file it as evidence. Well, looks like the witch left her clothes behind. I have no idea why she did that.

Ok, we’re done here. Tap on the front door to go outside.

Tap on the guard to start the interaction. After that, tap on the icon next to the guard’s head to take his personal information, and file it as evidence.

Next, tap on the three dots to take the guard’s statement.

Hmm, it seems that somehow, the witch managed to put the guard to sleep. The guard remembers some strange smell, just before he blacked out.

Let’s take a closer look at the brush on our left.

Tap on the “Incense Burner” to take a photo and file it as evidence. Apparently, somebody used an incense burner to put the guard to sleep. Maybe it wasn’t the witch but the same person that brought the ingredients?

Tap on the note on the wall to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the note again to take a photo and file it as evidence. It seems that Alice was the only visitor. She came to see the witch at 10 am. So, Alice probably smuggled the ingredients for the shrinking potion. But, why would she do that? She and the witch weren’t on very good terms.

Next, tap on the cat to take a closer look at it. After that, tap on the icon next to the cat’s head to gather the information and file it as evidence.

It seems that there was a rivalry between Cheshire Cat and the Witch. Tap on the three dots to take the cat’s statement.

Well, the cat explains that it would never release her because the two of them are bitter enemies.

Let’s drag the spider from the inventory and place it in front of the cat.

The cat is terrified of spiders. Tap on the cat to take a photo and file it as evidence. Well, if Cheshire Cat is terrified of spiders, then it definitely couldn’t go to the Spider Forest to gather the ingredients for the shrinking potion. So, the cat was telling the truth, and we can remove it from our list of suspects.

Ok, we’re done here. Let’s tap on the door to go to the map.

Spider Forest is locked, so let’s go to Alice’s Home.

Tap on Alice to approach her. After that, tap on the icon next to her head to gather the information and file it as evidence. Alice was captured by the witch some time ago.  

Next, tap on the three dots to take her statement.

Well, Alice claims that she didn’t leave her house, but we know that this is a lie, because we saw that she visited the witch. She also claims that she had no desire to help the witch because she was once her prisoner. Hmm, something is fishy here. Why did Alice lie about visiting the witch?

Tap on the bookshelf to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the Spell Book to open it, then tap again to take a photo and file it as evidence. It looks like Alice was learning how to make a shrinking potion. This can’t be a coincidence. From now on, Alice is our main suspect.

Next, tap on the book on the left to take a closer look at it. After that, tap on the book again to turn the page.

Here, we can see Alice dressed as a witch, and riding on a flying broom. Well, that confirms it. Alice definitely has some kind of an arrangement with the witch.

Tap on the picture to take a photo and file it as evidence.

Next, let’s take a closer look at the window in the upper right corner of the room.

Tap on the blue flower to pick it up.

Next, tap on the note on the right to take a closer look at it. Tap again on the note to take a photo and file it as evidence.

After we take the photo, we can see that the flowers can be used to affect the behavior of spiders. The red flower can be used to lure the spiders, while the blue flower repulses them.

Next, let’s take a closer look at the small cauldron in the lower right corner of the room.

Tap on the cauldron and incense to take a photo and file it as evidence. This is the same incense as the one that was used to disable the guard in front of the witch’s house. So, now, I think we can be certain that Alice helped the witch.

That’s it for this area. Tap on the front door to go back to the map.

After gathering all the clues, we unlocked the third and final area. Tap on the Spider Forest.

Tap on the branch on your left to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the branch again to take a photo and file it as evidence. We can see a few pieces of Alice’s clothing hanging from the broken branch. So, this is another proof that Alice went into the Spider Forest to gather the ingredient for the shrinking potion.

Next, tap on the large spider web to take a closer look at it.

We can see a lot of spiders, close to the huge web. They probably gathered here because they were drawn in by the red flower. So, let’s replace the red flower with the blue flower from our inventory and they should run away.

NOTE: First, tap on the red flower to remove it. Then, drag the blue flower from the inventory. 

Well, looks like we found diminutive witch’s clothes. Tap on it to take a photo and file it as evidence.

Hmm, it seems that, after she shrank, the witch went into the spider forest. However, she was very small, had no repellant (in form of the blue flower), and was eaten by the spiders…

On the other hand, there are small footprints leading deeper into the forest. So, she might have removed the clothes, and intentionally attracted the spiders (with the red flower) to hide her while she escaped.

Well, in any case, we found all the clues, so let’s tap on the button in the upper right corner of the screen to start the second part of the investigation.

Next, tap on “Study Case”.

Now we have to analyze the evidence and determine how the witch managed to escape. You can tap on each item to read the description. There are thirteen possible choices.

Well, we know that the witch left her old clothes on the bed, so drag the “The clothes left in the room by a witch” photo and place it into the first slot.

Next, we know that the witch used a shrinking potion to become very small and escape unnoticed. So, drag the “The potion that makes you smaller” photo and place it into the second slot. (she left the clothes because it was too large for her)

Finally, we know that the witch used the mouse hole to escape unnoticed (we found small footprints leading into the hole). So, drag the “There are tiny footprints by the cave” photo and place it into the third slot. 

After placing the evidence in all three slots, tap on the “Verify” button.

We were right, as expected. Let’s continue.

Tap on the second icon to proceed with the investigation.

After that, tap on “Study Case”

Next, we have to determine how the witch managed to get the ingredients and craft the potion while she was under house arrest.

Well, we know that someone (almost certainly Alice) brought her the basket with the ingredients from the Spider Forest. So, drag the “Ingredients from the Spider Forest are necessary to create the shrinking potion” photo and place it into the first slot.

Next, we know that only one person visited the witch, Alice. So, drag “The form indicates that Alice was here to visit the witch” photo and place it into the second slot.

Finally, we discovered a Spell Book inside Alice’s home, and it contains all the information regarding the crafting of the shrinking potion, including the necessary ingredients (that’s how Alice was able to find and gather the right ingredients for the potion). So, drag “The book that teaches you how to make a shrinking potion” photo and place it into the third slot.

After placing the evidence in all three slots, tap on the “Verify” button.

We were right, as expected. Let’s continue.

Tap on the next icon to proceed with the investigation.

After that, tap on “Study Case”

The next one is very simple. We have to figure out why the guard lost his consciousness. Well, we know that the guard fell unconscious after smelling the incense.

So, drag the “Gives off a scent that can cause one to lose consciousness” photo and place it into the first slot. (we found this incense in the brush near the guard)

Next, drag the “The same kind of incense as that which the guard smelled” photo and place it into the second slot. (we found this incense in Alice’s home)

After placing the evidence in both slots, tap on the “Verify” button.


We were right, as expected. Let’s continue.

Tap on the next icon to proceed with the investigation.

After that, tap on “Study Case”

Next, we have to determine how the witch managed to hide in the Spider Forest.

First, we found out that the red flower attracts the spiders, and we found a swarm of spiders near the red flower in the Spider Forest. So, drag the “Specifies the varying effect that two flowers have on spiders” photo and place it into the first slot.

Next, we saw the small clothes that the witch left near the spiders. That means that she used the spiders as camouflage while she escaped. So, drag “The witch’s clothes after turning small have been left in the Spider Forest” photo and place it into the second slot.

After placing the evidence in both slots, tap on the “Verify” button.

We were right, as expected. Let’s continue.

Tap on the next icon to proceed with the investigation.

After that, tap on “Study Case”

Finally, we have to determine who could have visited the Spider Forest. Well, there are three slots, and we have only three clues left, so just drag them into the empty slots.

As a side note, I don’t think that the cat would have gone into the Spider Forest, because it is terrified of spiders…

On the other hand, we know that Alice secretly wants to become the witch. We also found a few pieces of her clothes in the Spider Forest.

After placing the evidence in all three slots, tap on the “Verify” button.

We were right, again, as expected. Let’s continue by tapping on the “Point out” button.

It’s time for us to conclude the case and arrest the person who helped the witch. You can check the clues that we gathered so far by tapping on the buttons on the top of the screen. However, we already concluded that Alice helped the witch, so tap on “Alice” to select her. After that, tap on the “Point out” button.

Well, Alice secretly wanted to become a witch. That’s why she gathered the ingredients for the shrinking potion and smuggled them during her visit to the witch. The witch used the ingredients to create the shrinking potion and escaped unnoticed in her diminutive form.

Our detective arrested Alice and, with that, we solved our seventh case file.


Case File 08 “Lost Kid”

Ella, one of the students, didn’t show up in school. Our task is to find out what happened to Ella.

Tap on the professor to start the interaction. After that, tap on the button next to his head to gather the personal information and file them as evidence.

Next, tap on the three dots to take a statement from the professor.

Professor came to Ella’s house, looking for her because she didn’t show up for school today. Well, that wasn’t very helpful.

Let’s tap on the woman to start the interaction. After that, tap on the button next to her head to gather the personal information and file them as evidence.

Eva, Ella’s aunt, is very upset because her niece is missing. Let’s tap on the three dots to take the statement from Eva.

Well, Eva had got out of the house very early because she had to take her child to a hospital. So, she doesn’t know when/if Ella went to school.

Tap on the crying baby to take a photo and file it as evidence. 

Ok, let’s take a look at the cabinet on our left.

Tap on the “Farewell letter” to take a photo and file it as evidence. After that, tap on the mask on the toy clown to remove it, then tap on the toy to pick it up.

Well, it seems that Ella decided to spend some time with one of her friends, instead of going to school.

Next, tap on the bed to take a closer look. After that, tap on the toy bears to take a photo and our character will pick up one of the teddy bears.

Next, tap on the photos, located to the right of the door, to take a closer look.

Tap on the photo on the right to file it as evidence. In this photo, we can see that Ella met with her new friend, the clown, in the amusement park. So, we should probably head to the amusement park to look for clues, once we finish our investigation at Ella’s home.

Well, the door is now open, which means that we gathered all the evidence in this room. Tap on the door to go to the next area.

Tap on the table to take a closer look at it.

Here, we have a drawing of the clown. Let’s use crayons to add some color to the drawing.

Drag the green crayon from the right side of the table and use it to color the clown’s hair.

Next, drag the white crayon and use it to color the clown’s face.

Finally, drag the red crayon and use it to color the clown’s mouth and nose.

After that, tap on the drawing to pick it up. 

Let’s tap on the man on the left to start the interaction, and take his statement.

Well, the man wasn’t very helpful. He came here to pick up the costume that the clown borrowed from the amusement park.

Ok, let’s tap on the bear costume in the lower right corner of the room to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the costume to take a photo and file it as evidence. Oh, looks like the clown found out that Ellie really likes teddy bears. So, he probably rented the bear costume and disguised it as a teddy bear in order to gain Ellie’s trust. That’s a very devious plan…

Let’s continue the investigation. Tap on the picture in the upper right corner of the room to take a closer look at it.

Well, looks like this is actually an empty frame. Tap on it to take a closer look.

Drag the picture of a clown from the inventory and place it into the empty frame.

Well, looks like the picture of a clown opening a secret door. Tap on the secret room to take a photo and file it as evidence. The detective discovered some of Ella’s personal items in this room, so we should presume that the clown kidnapped her.

After taking a photo of a secret room, we unlocked another area. Tap on the door to go to the map.

Tap on the “Train” icon to go to the next area.

Tap on the police officer to start the interaction and take his statement.

Well, the police officer has a tip that someone will be selling children on the train today. Let’s tap on the police officer again to take his photo and file it as evidence.

Next, let’s tap on the bag to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the bag again to open it.

Drag one stack of cash from the bag. After that, tap on the cash again to take a photo and file it as evidence.

Well, we finally found the clown, and the money clearly belongs to him. He probably acquired the money by selling Ella. Tap on the clown to start the interaction.

The clown is sweating heavily, so he probably figured out that we are after him. Tap on the button next to the clown’s head to take a photo of him, and file it as evidence.

So, we now have a confirmation that Ella met with the clown at the amusement park, and she hasn’t been seen after that. Let’s tap on the three dots to take a statement from the clown.

The clown is playing dumb. No matter. We found all the clues, so let’s tap on the button in the upper right corner of the screen to start the second part of the investigation.

Next, tap on “Study Case”.

Now we have to analyze the evidence and determine why Eva got out of the house early and left her niece, Ella, alone. You can tap on each item to read the description. There are thirteen possible choices.

Well, we know that Eva’s child was very sick, so she had to take it to the hospital. Nothing suspicious about that. Drag the “The child has a cooling gel patch on. He is sick” photo and places it into the empty slot.

After placing the evidence in the slot, tap on the “Verify” button.

We were right, as expected. Let’s continue.

Tap on the next icon to proceed with the investigation.

After that, tap on “Study Case”

Next, we have to determine why Ella skipped school.

Well, we know that Ella went to meet with her friend (the clown) at the amusement park because she explained this in a letter to her aunt. So, drag the “Ella left with her friend and left her aunt a farewell letter” photo and place it into the first slot.

Next, we found a photo of Ella and the clown at the amusement park, so we have proof that two of them met. So, drag the “Ella met a new friend at the amusement park” photo and place it into the second slot.

After placing the evidence in both slots, tap on the “Verify” button.

We were right, as expected. Let’s continue.

Tap on the next icon to proceed with the investigation.

After that, tap on “Study Case”

Next, we have to determine how the clown managed to gain Ella’s trust.

Well, we know that Ella really liked teddy bears, because we found a collection of teddy bears on her bed. So, drag the “Ella likes teddy bears the most” photo and place it into the first slot.

Next, we found the teddy bear costume that the clown rented from the amusement park. He dressed up as a teddy bear and quickly gained Ella’s trust. So, drag the “The clown borrowed a bear costume from the amusement park” photo and place it into the second slot.

After placing the evidence in both slots, tap on the “Verify” button.

We were right, as expected. Let’s continue.

Tap on the next icon to proceed with the investigation.

After that, tap on “Study Case”

Finally, we have to present the evidence that proves the clown kidnapped Ella.

There are only three slots here, so drag the remaining three pieces of evidence and place them into the empty slots.

So, how do we know that the clown kidnapped Ella? Well, first of all, we found Ella’s personal items inside the secret room in the clown’s home.

Next, the police officer told us that he has a tip about somebody selling children on the train. Quickly after that, we found the clown on the same train with the bag full of cash. 

After placing the evidence in all three slots, tap on the “Verify” button.

We were right, again, as expected. Let’s continue by tapping on the “Point out” button.

It’s time for us to conclude the case and arrest the person who kidnapped Ella. You can check the clues that we gathered so far by tapping on the buttons on the top of the screen. However, we already concluded that the clown kidnapped Ella and sold her to a secret organization. So tap on “Clown” to select him. After that, tap on the “Point out” button.

Well, we discovered that the clown disguised himself into a teddy bear in order to gain Ella’s trust. After he met with her at the amusement park, he kidnapped her and took her to his home, where he kept her in the secret room. When he arranged a meeting with the buyers, he took Ella on the train and sold her off. He probably could have gotten away with this crime, but our character, the brilliant detective managed to track him down and arrest him. And, with that, we solved our eighth case file.


Case File 09 “Houseboat Danger”

In this case, our task is to find a reason behind the recent attack on the houseboat.

First, let’s tap on the notice, located just to the left of the front door, to take a closer look at it.

Here, we can see two numbers.

213 is the number that probably unlocks the room of the couple.

314 probably unlocks the room of the other guy.

Memorize/write down these numbers because we will need them later.

Ok, we should now gather the personal information of everyone present.

We will start with the guy that is closest to us. Tap on him to start the interaction, then tap on the icon next to his head to gather his personal information.

Well, the name of this person is Jake, and he is the owner of the houseboat. Let’s proceed.

Tap on the woman to start the interaction, then tap on the icon next to her head to gather her personal information.

Ross is Jake’s girlfriend. So, the code for Ross’s and Jake’s room is 213. Let’s proceed.

Tap on the other guy to start the interaction, then tap on the icon next to his head to gather his personal information.

Mark is a good friend of Jake, and he is temporarily living in the houseboat. The code for his room is 314.

Next, let’s tap on the sink to take a closer look at it.

Drag the piece of cloth from the left and place it into the sink. After that, turn on the water.

Tap on the wet rag to pick it up.

For now, we’re finished with the first floor. Tap on the door on the right to go to the second floor.

Let’s tap on the bookshelf to take a closer look at it.

On the left, we can see playing card symbols, and on the right, we can see roman numerals. Each symbol on the left represents one number on the right. So,

Hearts = 4

Spades = 3

Clubs = 2

Diamonds = 1

Memorize or write down this information, because we will need it in order to unlock the rooms.

Once you’re done, tap on the room on the right to take a closer look at it.

The picture above the door tells us that this is Jake’s and Ross’s room. Tap on the card symbols to start the interaction.

The door is locked with a combination of three card symbols. On the first floor, we discovered that “213” is the code for this room. We just examined the bookshelf and figured out that the card symbols represent numbers. So, if we change the numbers 213 with corresponding symbols we will get (from left to right)

Clubs (2), Diamonds (1), Spades (3).

Enter this combination of symbols to unlock the door.

Tap on the door to proceed into Jake’s room.

Next, tap on the mirror in the lower-left corner of the room to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the lipstick to take a photo and file it as evidence. There is nothing unusual about the lipstick. It’s new and it belongs to Ross, Jake’s girlfriend.

Next, tap on the small cabinet in the lower right corner of the room to take a closer look at it.

Here, we have another simple puzzle. We should tap on the pieces of the card to rotate them until we properly assemble the picture on the card. We will do this in several steps. Let’s Begin.

Step 1

Tap three times on the third (left to right) piece in the first (top to bottom) row to rotate it. In short, the piece is in the upper right corner.

Also, by looking at the edges of the card, we can see that the first piece in the first row is already correctly aligned.

Step 2

We properly aligned the upper right corner. We will continue by aligning the corners of the card. So, tap three times on the third piece in the third row (lower right corner). 

Step 3

We can see that the part in the lower-left corner is already properly aligned.

So, tap once on the second piece in the first row to rotate the head.

Step 4

Next, tap once the first piece in the second row.

Step 5

Next, tap three times on the third piece in the second row.

Step 6

Tap once the second piece in the second row.

Step 7

Finally, tap twice on the second piece in the third row to assemble the picture.

Ok, after assembling the picture, we can see the number 415. Memorize / Write down this number because we will need it for the next puzzle.

After that, tap on the red box in the upper left corner of the room to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the Numpad to start the interaction, and enter the code “415” (that we discovered by solving the previous puzzle).

After opening the box, tap on the rolled paper to take a closer look at it, and tap again to take a photo and file it as evidence.

Well, looks like some mysterious organization is offering a hefty reward for Jake and Ross. That would explain the motive behind the attack.

Ok, we’re done with this room. Tap on the front door to go back.

Let’s go to the third floor. Tap on the door on the left.

Next, tap on the door to take a closer look, at it. This is Mark’s room. Tap on the symbols to start the interaction.

The door is locked with a combination of three card symbols. On the first floor, we discovered that “314” is the code for this room. By examining the bookshelf, we figured out that each card symbol represents one number. So, if we change the numbers 314 with corresponding symbols we will get (from left to right)

Spades (3), Diamonds (1), Hearts (4).

Enter this combination of symbols to unlock the door.

Tap on the door to go into Mark’s room.

Tap on the cabinet on the left to take a closer look at it. After that, tap on Mark’s portrait to photograph it, and file it as evidence.

Next, tap on the violin on the left to take a closer look at it. After that, tap on the violin again to examine it.

We can see some white markings on the strings. Looking from top to bottom we have,

Three markings on the first string,

Two markings on the second string,

Two markings on the third string,

One marking on the first string.

So, the markings on the strings would form the number 3221. Memorize/write down this number because we will need it for the next puzzle.

After that, tap on the computer in the lower right corner of the room to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the screen to start the interaction.

After that, enter the code “3221” that we discovered by counting the white marking on the violin strings.

After entering the correct code, some strange symbols appeared on the screen. Tap on it to take a photo, and file it as evidence.

Ok, we’re done with this room. Tap on the door to go back.

Tap on the image on the right to take a closer look at it.

We can see that someone spilled the red color on the picture. So, drag the wet rag from the inventory and use it to clean the picture.

After cleaning the picture, tap on it to take a photo and file it as evidence. In this picture, we can see the ship that attacked the Houseboat. On the sail of this ship is the same symbol as the one that we saw on the computer (in Mark’s room).

We found all the clues, so let’s tap on the button in the upper right corner of the screen to start the second part of the investigation.

Next, tap on “Study Case”.

Now we have to analyze the evidence and prove that there was an attack on the houseboat. Well, we found the picture of the ship that attacked the houseboat so, drag the “There is a special symbol on the vessel’s flag” photo and place it into the empty slot.

After placing the evidence in the slot, tap on the “Verify” button.

We were right, as expected. Let’s continue.

Tap on the next icon to proceed with the investigation.

After that, tap on “Study Case”

Next, we have to determine the origin of the red stains that we found in the picture of the attacking vessel.

Well, we found the red lipstick, so that’s probably one possibility. Drag the “An unsealed lipstick” photo from the inventory and place it into the first slot.

Next, we also found some crayons in Mark’s room. There was no red color on his portrait, but the red crayon was partially used. So, we can conclude that Mark smeared the picture because he wanted to cover up the evidence. Drag the “Mark drew a self-portrait with the crayons on the table” photo from the inventory and place it into the second slot.

After placing the evidence in both slots, tap on the “Verify” button.

We were right, as expected. Let’s continue.

Tap on the next icon to proceed with the investigation.

After that, tap on “Study Case”

Next, we have to determine the reason for the attack on the houseboat.

Well, we discovered a wanted poster and found out that some mysterious organization is offering a hefty reward for Jake and Ross. So, drag the “Jake and Ross are wanted and have been captured the mysterious organization” photo and drag it into the empty slot.

After placing the evidence in the empty slot, tap on the “Verify” button.

We were right, as expected. Let’s continue.

Tap on the next icon to proceed with the investigation.

After that, tap on “Study Case”

Next, we have to determine who gave the information about the houseboat location to the attackers.

Well, we found the symbol of the attackers on Mark’s computer screen, making him the most likely suspect (and probably a member of the same organization). So, drag the “There is a special symbol on the screen” photo and place it into the empty slot.

After placing the evidence in the empty slot, tap on the “Verify” button.

We were right, again, as expected. Let’s continue by tapping on the “Point out” button.

It’s time for us to conclude the case and arrest the person who kidnapped Ella. You can check the clues that we gathered so far by tapping on the buttons on the top of the screen.

To summarize, we found a symbol of the strange organization on Mark’s computer screen, so he is probably a member of this mysterious organization. Also, we found a used crayon in Mark’s room, and it was probably used to smear the telescope, enabling the attackers to get close, without being noticed. Besides that, there was a reward for Jake and Ross, so Mark probably decided to sell his old friend and get rich in the process. In short, all evidence points to Mark.

So tap on “Mark” to select him. After that, tap on the “Point out” button.

Our detective arrested Mark, and with that, we solved our ninth case file.