Hello everyone and welcome to the walkthrough for the second chapter ” Helping the Chef ” of the Case Hunter, puzzle game. On this page, you can find the solution for cases 05-10. 

Chapter 2: Helping the Chef

In this chapter, the Chef, who is a close friend of the father of our character, will come to our office seeking help. He will explain that he needs someone to help him with the restaurant, because he broke his hand, and won’t be able to work for some time. Our character will agree to help him, and that’s how this stage begins.

CASE 05 “Work in Restaurant”

In this case, our task is to serve the customers in the restaurant, because the Chef broke his hand and we agreed to help him.

First, let’s tap on the customer, so we can see his order.

We can see that the customer would like “Kebab” so let’s make it.

Tap on the outlet to take a closer look at it, and then plug in the cable.

We turned on the grill, so tap on it to take a closer look.

Drag the stick, and put on it the three ingredients. First the vegetable, meat should be second, and finally the mushroom.

As soon as you put on the ingredients the kebab will be cooked, so tap on it to pick it up.

Tap on the customer to start the interaction.

Drag kebab and drop it on the customer to serve him.

With that, we completed the sixth case.

CASE 06 “Rescue the cow”

In this case, our task is to find a way to put out the fire and rescue the cow.

Tap on the pipe in the lower right corner of the screen to take a closer look at it.

Tap twice on the pipe to rotate it to the correct position.

Tap on the piece of pipe to the left to take a closer look at it. Then tap on it again to pick it up.

Tap on the gap between the pipes to take a closer look at it.

Drag the piece of pipe from the inventory to the gap to repair the pipe.

Tap on the valve to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the valve to turn it and release the water. The water will extinguish the fire, and we will save the cow.

With that, we completed the sixth case.

CASE 07 “Greetings from an old friend”

In this case, our task is to choose the correct dialog option and solve the case.

Tap on the second option “You are Doctor Watson, right?”.

Tap on “What can I do for you?”

Tap on the second option “Is it only the meat that goes missing”

Tap on “Are there any signs of damage in the house”

Tap on the second option “Are there footprints by the windows”

Tap on the first option “Describe the footprints”

Tap on the “The thief is a stray dog”

Our character will conclude that the thief must be a stray dog. This short story has a happy ending because Doctor Watson decided to adopt the dog.

CASE 08 “Work in Caffe”

In this case, our task is to help the Chef by working instead of him in the Cafe.

First, tap on the customer so we can see his order.

We can see that the customer would like a coffee. He wants us to use 3 spoons of coffee and one sugar cube

Tap on the table to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the spoon to take some coffee from the bag, then drag the spoon to the coffee cup to put in the coffee. Repeat this process three times.

After that, drag one sugar cube and put it into the coffee cup.

Ok, now tap on the electric kettle to take a closer look at it.

Drag the electric kettle to its base to boil the water.

The water will boil almost immediately and the light on the kettle will turn green, so tap on the kettle to pick it up.

Ok, now tap on the coffee cup again to take a closer look.

Drag the kettle from the inventory and drop it on the coffee cup. Our character will pour in the boiling water and the coffee is now ready to be served.

Tap on the cup of coffee to pick it up.

Tap on the customer to start the interaction.

Drag the coffee and drop it on the customer.

With that, our character will give the coffee to the customer, and we will complete the eighth case.

CASE 09 “Picky Guest”

In this case, we are going to help the Chef, once more.

First, tap on the guest to see his order.

We can see that the guest would like a bowl of soup and a glass of milk. In the background, we can see the recipe for making a soup. So, we will need a carrot and a tomato.

Ok, we can also see a bucket on the nearby table and we will need it to milk the cow, which we can also see in the backyard. So tap on the bucket to take a closer look at it, and tap once more to pick it up.

Tap on the door to go outside.

Tap on the tomato plants to take a closer look, then tap on the red tomato to pick it up.

Tap on the carrots on the left to take a closer look, then tap twice on the carrot that is sticking out of the ground to pick it up.


Ok, now let’s milk the cow. Tap on the cow to take a closer look at it.

Drag the bucket and place it below the cow’s udder.

Tap on the udder twice to milk the cow.

Tap on the bucket with milk to pick it up.

Ok, we have everything we need, so let’s go back inside.

Let’s make soup. Tap on the cooking pot to take a closer look at it.

Drag the carrot and the tomato and drop them into the boiling water.

Ok, the soup is now ready, so drag the cooking pot and pour the soup into the bowl.

Tap on the bowl of soup to pick it up.

Ok, now let’s go back to the customer.

Drag the bowl of soup to give it to the customer.

Drag the bucket with milk to pour the milk into the glass.

With that, we served the customer and completed our ninth case.

CASE 10 “Police Sergeant asks for help”

In this case, our task is to help the police sergeant in solving the murder, by choosing the correct dialog options.

Tap on “Say it please”

Tap on the “Is the cause of death determined”

Tap on the first option “The murder weapon was the wet towel”

Tap on “There was water on the quilt. The murderer covered the deceased’s mouth and nose with the wet towel, causing her to die of suffocation”


Tap on the first option “The murderer put the deceased into a coma by using drugs”

Tap on the “Normal people can’t buy it. The killer’s profession must have the chance to access anesthetics…”

Tap on “A very important discovery”

Tap on the first option “Check the doctor’s uniform”

Tap on “It’s easy for doctor to get anesthetic”

Tap on “He’s the murderer! I’ll leave the rest to you, Sergeant”

So, after a thorough investigation, our character discovered the murderer, and we completed our tenth case.