Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9 of Dress up Time Princess. Previously, you didn’t feel like attending a banquet, so you decided to take a late-night stroll. While you were walking through the garden, you noticed a man and a woman meeting in secret. After taking a closer look, you realized the woman was impersonating you. Upon trying to get a better look, you alerted them to your presence, and they quickly left the place. However, you did manage to find the pocket watch which was dropped by the man, so it’s up to you to figure out the identity of this mysterious man. The stage screen will display the requirements as well as the short description and the rewards.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

Ever since that night, you’ve been trying to find the mysterious man, but unfortunately, to no avail. The day has finally come for your opera performance, and shortly after waking up, you will head to the theatre with Gabrielle. You will recall the memories of Marie’s love for opera music as soon as you step into the building.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

Gabrielle will snap you from your thoughts and remind you to get changed for the performance. She’ll also say that many of the Austrian musicians and actors have arrived from “your” homeland. You will nod and tell Gabrielle you will get changed right away.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

For this occasion, you will need clothing and accessories with Cooling and Perky tags. Also, the Sylvan Glade dress is required here.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

Gabrielle will be very impressed by your outfit. It will remind her of your look when you first arrived in Versailles. Upon looking at your reflection, you will be overwhelmed by joy and nostalgia, and you’ll recall many beautiful memories of Austria. Moments later, you’ll arrive at the backstage. You will instantly notice only a few performers there.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

Upon asking what’s going on, you will receive the answer that most of the actors have gotten sick and are unable to perform. Several other performers will just turn their faces away from you as you look in their direction.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

Upon getting on the stage, you will quietly wait and pray that everything goes smoothly. However, once the curtains rise, you will be in for a surprise. The theatre will be completely empty and not a single person will be in the audience. Gabrielle will hurry to your side, shocked by this turn of events. You will decide to visit the King and see what happened.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

As soon as you step into his study, you will notice plenty of aristocrats and ministers there. All of them will gaze at you with eyes filled with anger and contempt. Only two pairs of eyes will give you some hope, Fersen’s and Lafayette’s. Louis XVI will inform you that there’s a merchant claiming you asked Cardinal Rohan to help you buy the diamond necklace.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

More importantly, the merchant hasn’t been paid yet, which is why he asked for an audience with the King. As it appears, the rumors of royal court robbing merchants have started spreading across the land. Louis XVI will politely ask you to tell him what’s going on and explain yourself.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

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You will be very surprised there is a talk about the necklace again. You will turn your attention to Bohmer and remind him of your previous conversation where he promised to be your witness and prove to everyone that you didn’t buy the necklace from him.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

The merchant will explain that Cardinal Rohan himself claimed that the Queen had asked him to help purchase it. He’ll also mention that all he wants is the payment for the necklace. After all, it took years of hard work to craft that beautiful piece of jewelry.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

You will tell him that Cardinal Rohan and you aren’t really getting along well, and point out that you already promised to the King you will not buy the necklace. Bohmer will reply that the Cardinal showed him the letter written by you, in which you stated you want to buy the necklace.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

You will strongly deny ever writing such a letter and ask the merchant to show it. Unfortunately, he won’t have the letter in his possession. You will look at the King once again and try to convince him that you are innocent. You’ll notice the look of uncertainty in his eyes, while he’ll calmly says the next few words.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

You will ask if there is a way to clear your name once again. The King will look at Lafayette and the stern Marquis will nod and explain it will be near impossible to put a stop to the rumors. Unlike the previous rumors, these ones are spreading like a wildfire, and you will learn that people started calling you Madame Deficit.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

You will try to think of a way to find the solution to this problem, and moments later, Fersen will stand up. He will point out that France was in debt ever since the reign of Louis XV, who was the one that commissioned the necklace in the first place. And now, when people are looking for someone to blame, the Queen is the easiest target. Fersen will also say that finding the truth is the only way to solve this situation.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

After a brief moment of silence, Lafayette will speak up, saying he agrees with Count Fersen. He’ll mention there is no solid evidence against you, apart from the merchant’s words. Finding the necklace, or the letter Bohmer mentioned may be the key to solving this mystery. He will suggest investigating the matter right away.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

The King will agree with Lafayette, and he’ll decide to ask the minister called Blaisdell to handle the investigation and discover the truth about the necklace, the letter, and find out who was responsible for this. He will add that Blaisdell is his most trusted minister, and he’ll ask if you agree with his proposition.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

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You will think for a while before making a decision.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9


If you decide to disagree with the King’s proposition, you will say you cannot just sit still and do nothing while others take the responsibility of finding out the truth. You will lose some Goodwill with Louis XVI by choosing this option.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

After a few moments of silence, Fersen will speak up and commend you for volunteering to deal with the situation. He’ll say it’s important you chose to fight the issue head-on and prove your innocence. Lafayette will agree with him and ask the King to grant you your request. Louis XVI will be surprised by this, but Lafayette will explain it is very important for you to take matters into your own hands in order to change the opinions of the people.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

Still, the King will be very hesitant to let you investigate the matter on your own. Both Lafayette and Fersen will immediately offer their full support.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

This will also add Blaisdell to companions. He will ask the King to let him know should his assistance be required.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

In the end, Louis XVI will agree to let you investigate the matter. You will thank him for placing his trust in you, and you will also thank everyone else for supporting you.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

However, the King will decide to confront Cardinal Rohan together with you since they are relatives. You will nod and ask him to allow you to prepare for the visit.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

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If you decide to let Blaisdell handle the investigation, you will gain some Goodwill with Louis XVI. All of the aristocrats and ministers will seem to approve of this decision. However, you will notice that Fersen doesn’t seem happy with this turn of events. You will add that you are available should any of your assistance be needed.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

The King will explain that in order to find out the truth, he must investigate everyone involved… even you. He will ask you to believe him with this. After hesitating for a moment, you will nod in agreement.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

He will then ask Blaisdell to handle the investigation and decide to personally interrogate Cardinal Rohan. This will add Blaisdell to companions. Louis XVI will then ask you to go with him and see the Cardinal together.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

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This will conclude Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9 of Dress up Time Princess. You will get the rewards for completing the stage.

Dress up Time Princess Walkthrough Queen Marie Chapter 1 Stage 9

What will happen when you visit Cardinal Rohan? Will you discover the truth? Find out in the next stage.
Thank you for reading.

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