Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Taisho Adventures Chapter 1 Stage 11 of Dress up Time Princess. In the previous stage, a real accident happened. Semi Suwa is a very dangerous person. He fired three shots and hit Kuroko Sato. It is not in good condition, it is not out of danger. In the absence of drugs, you had to go to the pharmacy on the black market. Here you could find everything that Akira Suzuki recommended from the list. During that time, you heard what the locals were saying. You have noticed that the Karasuma family is coming to town. They return to remove any doubts that have been directed at them. Thanks to Akira Suzuki and the use of someone else’s name, you have a problem that can grow into a much bigger problem. Hit Start when you are ready to begin stage 11.

With some trepidation, you hand over the medicine to Akira Suzuki. Kuroko Sato has fallen into a deep sleep. She is no longer bleeding, but her face is still pale. If it weren’t for the heaving of her chest, you would have thought she has left you.

You would never think about the possibility of Kuroko Sato leaving you. This is the first time you have been forced to think about it. You realize now that Kuroko Sato is not just a friend to you. She’s far more important than you thought. You must do something so that this doesn’t happen again. You gaze upon the exhausted Akira Suzuki, who is dazing on the tatami mat, you decide to Option 1 (Threaten him) or Option 2 (Use the carrot and stick method).

Threaten him
Use the carrot and stick method

If you select Option 1 (Threaten him), you will be honest with Akira Suzuki.

Considering what just happened, you don’t think he cares about your safety at all. You pick up the vase on the table and walk up to a very confused Akira Suzuki. Holding the vase above him, you issue a warning.

You will ask him about the secret box. The content of it. You simply don’t understand why Tokko wants to kill you. And the box appears in your dreams since you were a child. If he dares to hide anything from you again, he can’t blame you for taking the action. You will destroy this vase, the rest of his antiques, and all of his books.  As expected, your threat has worked. Akira Suzuki looks at you in surprise. When he tries to get up, he realizes that you are standing on his kimono sleeve. A different look appears on his face.

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If you select Option 2 (Use the carrot and stick method), you will say that you had a recurring dream since you were a child. In your dream, someone is singing and praying with a box that looks just like the secret box. You are really curious about what is inside the box.

Akira Suzuki keeps saying that curiosity kills the cat, and you almost got killed because of this box and Akira Suzuki. You pick up the vase on the table and walk up to a very confused Akira Suzuki.

As expected, your threat has worked. Akira Suzuki looks at you in surprise. When he tries to get up, he realizes that you are standing on his kimono sleeve. A different look appears on his face.

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You think that this is the most appropriate way to treat someone a person who has deceived Kuroko Sato and you.

You keep staring at him, afraid he will try some sort of trick. You stare at one another for a long while before he finally gives up.

You take a step back so that he can reposition himself, but you keep a firm grip on the vase and hold it up high. He sits up, and then slowly straightens his clothes. Glancing at the vase in your hand, he clears his throat and begins telling a story.

You refuse. You tell him that the orphanage has a name. It is ‘’Sato Orphanage’’. You grip the vase even more firmly and viciously reject the request. He snorts unhappily.

He admits he wanted to use it to complete his task, and help you with the problem. He says that you needed the money and he needed someone to help him make the switch. It was supposed to be a win-win situation.

He’d set everything in place, but he messed it all up, and nothing went according to the plan. It is so annoying. When he gets back, the old Tanuki (you) will say he is too confident and only capable of pretty tricks.

He was going to leave the secret box with you. Then when the whole thing had blown over, he would get back in the secret. And then, he planned to use his fake identity to help you get rid of some trouble. However, the Tokko is pursuing you. Everything has gotten out of control. It is a bit of bad luck. He has to devise a new plan.

You were wrong. You were so wrong. There is no such thing as a free lunch. You believed him first and thought that you were just benefiting one another. But he gave you the secret box unconditionally so that he could avoid getting arrested. He even planned to use her secret identity to solve his own problems. Just a moment ago, he was thinking about his plans, and how to make use of Kuroko Sato and you.

You are very angry at Akira Suzuki. What he wanted to do to you and Kuroko Sato is unforgivable. Akira Suzuki is silent now. He looks down thoughtfully for a long while before speaking again.

His sudden apology has taken you by surprise. You blink at him.

To make it up, he is willing to tell you everything you want. After listening to Akira Suzuki’s apology, you conclude that: Option 1 (I don’t believe him) or Option 2 (I’ll have to think about it).

I don't believe him
I'll have to think about it

If you select Option 1 (I don’t believe him), Akira Suzuki will sound sincere. But when you look at poor Kuroko Sato, you pause and shake your head at him. You will be angry. You have had enough. You can’t stand selfish, self-serving people like Akira Suzuki.

He says that if you quit now, you are quitting out of anger. It won’t be good for both of you.

But no, your mind is made up. You can’t let Kuroko Sato get into any more danger. When she recovers from her injuries, you will leave the place, and you will order Akira Suzuki not to dare bother you two again.

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If you select Option 2 (I’ll have to think about it), you will think how Akira Suzuki’s apology sounds sincere, but you are unsure if you should forgive him. You are angry at what he has done, but you know your anger won’t get rid of the biggest threat right now. That threat has a name. It is Semi Suwa.

He has to answer all of your questions. You will ask him about the secret box. Akira Suzuki picks up the secret box and squints at it for a moment before putting it down again.

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This box disappeared for a while. If you want to know who used to own the box, he can’t help you with that. It is not something he can tell you. Akira Suzuki sounds serious and sincere.

It is a trade secret. You should stop probing, says Akira Suzuki. It would be bad for both of you. Even con artists have a set of principles to follow. And he is not an average con artist. However, he does know someone who can explain things to you without being troubled by these rules.

As for that, you saw the paper. You are suddenly reminded of the newspapers at Akira Suzuki residence, and the articles circled in red. Again, two options. Option 1 (Malfeasance by corrupt Kazoku awaits judgment from Sōchitsu Ryō) or Option 2 (Thieves are still on the run; secret box missing for good). Note: This part of the stage unlocks only if you previously selected ‘’I’ll have to think about it’’.

Malfeasance by corrupt Kazoku awaits judgment from Sōchitsu Ryō
Thieves are still on the run; secret box missing for good

If you select Option 1 (Malfeasance by corrupt Kazoku awaits judgment from Sōchitsu Ryō), you will ask Akira Suziki about this specific article. The old man is under house arrest. This person can answer all of your questions. You are looking for the poor corrupt Kazoku who is under house arrest.

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If you select Option 2 (Thieves are still on the run; secret box missing for good), Akira Suzuki goodwill goes up. You will ask him about the article about the box.

He says that this person could answer all your questions. The old man is under house arrest. This person can answer all of your questions. You are looking for the poor corrupt Kazoku who is under house arrest.

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That would be it for this stage. Stage 1-11 is officially over. There were a lot of overlaps and a lot of dilemmas you had. At a stage like this, you have to gather a lot of psychic strength to be able to withstand the pressure. The pressure is huge because you have found a person who knows the answers to your questions. Will you be able to find this person? Are you a person who can withstand such pressure? Everything is so confusing and you can only learn a lot if you follow our walkthrough.
Thank you for reading.