Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Taisho Adventures Chapter 1 Stage 6 of Dress up Time Princess. In the previous stage, you had a conversation with two people. A new person in our story, Kuniya Kii. The other person is your best friend, Kuroko Sato. You had villas with both people. You had to choose which way to go. You had to choose what answers you would give them. It’s all part of this game and you have to accept everything life has to offer to survive. Stage 1-6 Unlocks if you previously selected Say yes to the invitation in Stage 1- 5. Hit Start when you are ready to begin stage 6.

The day after the party, you tell Suzuki-san about Kii-san’s invitation to the auction preview. Akira Suzuki jumps at the news. He quickly thinks of a plan to steal an auction invitation so that you can attend the auction. Shiratori-san gives you a satisfied smile when she heard the news.

Fumiyo Shiratori says that you are the smartest students she has ever met. Akira Suzuki interrupts Fumiyo Shiratori. He says that if Shiratori-chan continues to praise you, you will float up to the sky. Shiratori-san rolls her eyes at Suzuki-san.

Kuroko Sato will take you, Yuko Sato, to the dressing room. You can’t be late for your first date. A Kazoku’s invitation must not be taken lightly. Do not forget what you have learned. Time to attend the date in something Elegant and Gentle.

When you are dressed in the outfit Shiratori-san has prepared, Suzuki-san stares at you wordlessly. According to Fumiyo Shiratori, the transformation seems quite successful. Even the worldly-wise Akira Suzuki is captivated by the sight.

Suzuki-san responds rather uncomfortably. After taking a deep breath he looks at Kuroko Sato and you. Suzuki-san says that your part of the plan is to steal the invitation from Kuniya Kii so that you can forge it. You need to distract him with your charms, and Kuroko-chan will steal the invitation. The mission is simple, and you are used to working like this.

Sitting in the carriage, you listen to the noise outside. Your thoughts are a mess. You keep thinking about Akira Suzuki’s plan, as well as Kii-san. Kii-san is a kind person, and you don’t feel good about taking advantage of him like this. The harshness of reality conflicts with your empathy, and it’s too difficult for you to decide what to do.

You sigh helplessly. You tell yourself it is a necessary evil but is that just an excuse? Perhaps you shouldn’t have told Akira Suzuki about Kii-san’s invitation. If only Kuroko Sato were here with you. You wish you could discuss this with her. Kuroko Sato was really unhappy about having to work on the mission separately. The carriage arrives at Ikuta Shrine. You see Kii-san waiting under the torri in the distance. When he hears the carriage, he looks in your direction.

You carefully step down from the carriage and tuck a wisp of wind-blown hair behind your ear. Your nervousness makes you forget about your dilemma in the carriage. You look at Kii-san, who has not said a word. He keeps staring at you. Finally, you decide to wave a hand in front of his eyes.

You will ask Kii-san if there is anything wrong. Before you can finish your question, Kii-san speaks. He says that you look stunning today. He is enchanted. Ki-san shakes his head, dispelling your doubt with the ease of a spring breeze. His smile reminds you of your mission. The mission is to steal his invitation. You are flooded with a sense of guilt, and your mood sinks.

You will force a smile and thank him. He observes you for a moment. Taken aback by his question about your mood, you look nervously into Kii-san’s earnest eyes, and shake your head. Of course, you have to stay in your character. You will say that you are fine. Not nervous and just sighing because a happy day like this tends to end rather quickly. Everything is over in the blink of an eye.

Kuniya Kii says that he can’t change how quickly the day will end, but he can make you smile again. He bows and extends a hand towards you. Kii-san fulfills his promise by introducing you to high-profile philanthropists. You take advantage of your disguise to tell them about the difficulties Sato Orphanage is facing. The item displayed at the auction preview blows your mind away. There is such a wide array, far more than what your limited experiences could ever prepare you for. As if to make sure that you enjoy yourself to the fullest, Kii-san diligently explains the origin of each item to you.

A Tachi is a type of Japanese sword. The curved blade is generally over 2 feet long (above 60 centimeters). As for the story, not even Sato-sensei’s books mention such novel and beautiful items.

There are things here you have never seen before. It’s a real eye-opener for you. However, it saddens you to think about the huge gap between the commoners and the nobility. You did not expect Kii-san to know so many people and be familiar with so many clans.

Kii-san smiles sheepishly. He stops in his tracks. The smile on his face disappears when his eyes land on a specific auction item. You have never seen such an expression on him. Cold, yet complex. You ask him what is wrong. Call out to him timidly while following his line of vision. He is looking at a strange box with intricate geometric shapes. You can’t tell which side is the lid. As you try to get a closer look, images from your dream flash before your eyes.

The surreal and nostalgic scene reappears in your mind. This time, you can see things more clearly. Amid the incessant nursery rhyme, a figure is playing with a box that looks just like the auction item.

Before you can go deeper into the vision, someone gives you a shake. When you come back to your senses, you see a confused and worried Kii-san before you. You are worried that your momentary distraction may have ruined the mission. Panicking, you look around you and spot a familiar figure behind a pillar in the distance. The sight calms you. Kuroko Sato is using your secret body code to let you know that the mission is a success. You sigh with relief and perk up.

You will say that everything is fine. After that, Kii-san will call it for today. Looking concerned, Kii-san escorts you out of the auction area, and waves to a nearby rickshaw. He will ask you where do you live. You have two options. Option 1 (Tell the truth) or Option 2 (Answer vaguely).

Tell the truth
Answer vaguely

If you select Option 1 (Tell the truth), Masaya Hino goodwill goes up. You will say that you are staying at a relative’s house, for the time being, so he can take you to… You are about to give him Shiratori-san’s address when a loud yell drowns out your voice.

Back to Previous Choice

If you select Option 2 (Answer vaguely), you will wonder how should you answer. You are sure it is not a good idea to give Suzuki-san’s address.

You are still trying to figure out how to get out of this bind when there’s an urgent yell.

Back to Previous Choice

It appears that Kuniya Kii’s chef is looking for him. His name is Private Ueda. Kuniya Kii suggested that he should be addressing him as Lieutenant Kii. Chief Hino desires to see Kuniya Kii at his residence. You listen curiously to the conversation between the two of them. There seems to be something amiss, but you are in no mood to probe further.

Kii-san gestures for you to open your hand. Then he yanks something off his sleeve and places it on your palm.

You find yourself looking at a delicate cufflink with the Tsurunomaru motif. It is a gift from Kuniya Kii to commemorate your first outing. Kii-san blushes a little, embarrassed.

He was very polite when he asked you a question. He asks you to if he can call you Yuko-san. Your eyes light up. You smile and nod without a second thought. You are more accustomed to your own name ‘’Yuko’’, after all.

You get into the rickshaw with Kii-san’s help and nod to him with a demure smile. He nods a gentle goodbye and hurries off with the soldier. Your short date with Kii-san has ended well.

This is how Stage 6 ends. You had a very pleasant and nice meeting. Kii-san is a very serious person who knows how to behave in every situation. It is up to you to continue reading our walkthrough. A lot awaits us below.
Thank you for reading.