Welcome dear readers to our guide for Dress up! Time Princess Swan Lake stage 1 – 17, walking you through the story’s grand finale! We are in the final stage of the book and things are about to get resolved, hopefully for the best.

Even though this is the last stage and there is no need to chase the perfect score like in the previous ones, we will try and craft as many of the suggested items to get the highest score we can. We will include our wardrobe selections here as well.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

In the previous stage, it was revealed what many of us already sensed was the truth – Aldous and Audwin are twin brothers. The two twins have led completely different life and are the opposite of one another. Signy first sensed this when she was thinking how they looked the same during her coming-of-age ceremony.

Ferdinand was confused and couldn’t remember why or if he attacked SIgny’s kingdom at all. This is very suspicious and we suspect Audwin had his hand in it as well. But, before they could get to the truth, Audwin tried to force Signy to keep her word and marry him.

However, King Edward XII postponed the wedding, due to the unrest that happened and the fact that Audwin was so late. When Audwin wanted to take Signy by force and take her away, Aldous confronted him.

The twins then revealed much about their lives, how Audwin saved Aldous when their kingdom fell and brought him here, to the forests. However, Aldous revealed his ace in the hole. He has studied ancient magic scrolls and has found an ancient curse that is connected to twins and which dictates that if one was to die, the other will follow as well.

Furthermore, Aldous took out a poisoned dagger and pointed it at himself, with the intention to end his and Audwin’s life, should that curse turn out to be true. He is not certain, but he is ready to risk it. However, Signy tried to stop him and at that point, stage 1-16 ended.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Swan Lake stage 1 – 17 mandates that we have the Winter Ruby ring crafted. The blueprint is obtained by scoring perfect in the stage 1 – 15, so please refer to our guide for that stage if you need help. However, there are also many other suggested items in order to get the perfect score here, including the Eternal Light handheld item, Snow Queen hair, and more… Since this is the last stage, it is not however important that we get the perfect score, so we will do the best we can.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Also, we will need Goodwill Lv. 7 with both Aldous and Audwin, which is no small feat. If you got to this point in the story, they have to be at Lv. 6, but getting them over will require 2 days of gift attempts. For Audwin, craft the Glazed Censer gift from Glass and Spices, you’ll need about 60+ of those. For Aldous, craft the Silver Saddle, made from Fabric and Metal, and you will need around 60+ of those to get them from Lv. 6 to Lv. 7.

After we get everything we need in order, it is time to play through this last stage and witness the story finale for Signy and the others.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Aldous is going through with it. Signy sees the blood trickling at the dagger’s hilt and she loses her mind. She shouts to get the physician! Audwin coughs out a few words… “Fates of twins…forever…intertwined…” and falls to the ground. He looks at Aldous, with defeat in his eyes…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Audwin admits defeat, but Aldous tells him that there are no winners here. The gods have played a cruel trick on them and it is time to end it. The twins both utter in pain, but Signy orders Aldous not to die on her. She is in a state of panic. She tells Aldous that he can’t die now, not when he’s made her life a mess.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy is losing it as she feels responsible because of it all. The guilt from this will haunt her for the rest of her life. Aldous looks at her and says that he is sorry but this has to be done. Signy tells him there is nothing to apologize for as he has done nothing wrong. Audwin says that he knows they will blame it all on him, but Signy interrupts him…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Even now, Signy shows understanding for Audwin, but she tells him it is not Aldous who is to suffer because of it. Audwin tells her that he sees she no longer fears him, so now she can kill him without reservation. He says he loathes dying with Aldous, but he would be willing to die in the hands of his bride-to-be. That would be something worth remembering him by.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy again proves him wrong, saying that normal people make friends when they want to be remembered. Normal people don’t put on black robes and turn their twin brothers into swans. She tells him he chases a cycle of hatred and revenge, but Audwin interrupts her…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Audwin seems hurt now by SIgny’s words and tells her she doesn’t know him. But, she replies that he is not the only one who is capable of discerning another person’s feelings. At that moment, Roslin announces that the physician is here. Signy tells him to hurry and save them both. Aldous is nearly gone, he utters Signy’s name…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy tells him she understands him, wanting to end his and Audwin’s life, but if he dies she will never forgive herself. She tells Aldous that he has to live, because of her… Aldous starts to speak, but Audwin interrupts him by saying that if Aldous survives, he survives as well.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Even at death’s door, he still mocks Signy by saying it is quite selfless of her to save him. She loses it again and shouts at him to not speak to her in that tone! If not for his misdeeds, Signy continues, no one would despise him in the first place.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Audwin still keeps Signy to their deal but she’s had enough of it as well. Signy tells them to stop fighting over her like she is a prize. She says that she alone will decide who to marry and no one can change her mind. Finally, she orders them both to stay alive.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The twins pass out and they have very little time left. The physician bands Aldous’ wound and sends them both to the hospital. They both survive, luckily, but need time to recuperate. After these horrible events, things begin to change for the better for Signy. After a time, she talks to her father about everything…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

It seems that they managed to mend the relations with the Kingdom of Glorion, meaning they have freed Ferdinand. They have agreed to increase trade between the two kingdoms. Signy says she can’t take the credit, as the Chief Minister helped her with the economic matters.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Arthur also credits Signy for her negotiations with Ferdinand, but she says he was not that difficult to deal with after he learned the truth. He felt rather ashamed of himself, but king Edward says he should be too hard on himself as many have fallen victim to the sorcerer’s schemes. It seems they have uncovered that it was all Audwin’s doing.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Audwin was playing both sides all along and he used his magic to make Ferdinand attack them. However, the biggest shock comes when the king reveals that the owl sorcerer is now living with them. He asks Signy if she is sure they should have him with them here? The king points out that they can’t trust when he may decide again to turn on them and his brother.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy thinks Audwin managed to move from his past. Actually, it was during their recovery that she arranged for them both to be placed in the same recovery room. She thought it would be a good chance for them to put aside their differences and this seemed to have worked…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy seems to have faith in the sorcerer. The king says that he is constantly reminded of the state he caused to their kingdom. He also states that he wouldn’t consider boasts and insults as “opening up to others”

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy admits Audwin needs a lot of work if he is to fit in. Uncle Arthur says that he is even surprised by some of the things he does to get others’ attention, but Signy thinks how it is not at all surprising as all he needs is others’ attention. Finally, the king asks that they stop talking about that troublesome fellow.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The king reminds them it is almost dinner time and that he will teach Signy more about foreign trade tomorrow. However, the chief minister jumps in by saying she is more than capable of handling such matters already and Signy agrees. She says that she will be fine on her own.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

But, the king simply wants to spend more time with his daughter. He feels like he is not needed. Signy asks her father why he can’t take a hint? The king is confused. Signy explains that Ms. Roslin has been making tonics to help him recover daily, so she should spend more time with her…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy tells him he shouldn’t keep a lady waiting and that there is somewhere else she needs to be right now. It is dress up time now as Signy needs to go see Aldous no doubt. Since this is the final stage, it is not important if we nail the perfect score, but we will do our best.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The stage requirements are Warm and Gentle, so we will filter these clothing traits. Since it is not that important to get the perfect score, we did not craft all suggested items for this opportunity for they demand too many materials. But, we will do the best we can.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

For the first head slot, we will use the Palace Beauty hat. IT is not perfect for this stage, for it only matches the Gentle clothing trait. This item drops from a magical gift and it comes at 4 stars, giving us 420 in Gentle now.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

We will use the Alice in Winter hairstyle, which is the closest we have for our current requirements. This hairstyle is obtained randomly from balloons and it came at a high 5-star rank, giving us an ominous 666 in Warm.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The best glasses we got for this stage are the Warm Sunlight-Pink sunglasses. These are obtained after logging in for 2 days in the game, so everyone should have these. They are at 5 stars and give us 509 in Gentle.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The suggested dress is the Mesmerizing Winter coat, and we will go for it. It is a commonly used item throughout Swan Lake story, as Signy uses it often when she goes outside at night. We have it at 4 stars and it will give us 767 in both Warm and Gentle. The blueprint for this coat is obtained from Swan Lake stage 1-9.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Winter Dancer shoes are also in the stage hint and we got ‘em. They fit the stage’s requirements perfectly and give us 303 in both Warm and Gentle. These are also often used alongside the Mesmerizing Winter coat and the blueprint appears randomly on the Parven’s Shop.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

For our first accessory, we will use the Trendy Rococo neck bow. It drops randomly from a magical gift and we got ours at a full 6-star rank. This gives us 672 in Gentle and as we don’t have anything better for this slot, we shall use it.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Earrings are also not specifically suggested for this stage, so use the best ones you have. The best ones for us are these Spring Gifts from the Queen Marie storyline, obtained after reaching Goodwill LV. 2 with Louis. They are at 3 stars and will contribute to us with 240 in Warm.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Warm Fingertips are a standard part of the Mesmerizing Winter set and are used for crafting many of the Swan Lake recipes, so we naturally have these in our wardrobe. They are kind of low, at only 2 stars, but are still the best for our current needs. They will contribute with 218 in both Warm and Gentle.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The Winter Ruby is the mandatory item for this stage and fits perfectly. This ring comes at 4 stars and will give us 308 in Warm and Gentle. The blueprint is obtained by having the perfect score in stage 1-15, which is no small endeavor, so please refer to our guide if you need help.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The Eternal Light lantern is also suggested for this stage and we are using it since it fits nicely in the outfit. The recipe for this is obtained when you reach Audwin Goodwill Lv. 5 and the item comes at 3 stars, giving us 302 in both Warm and Gentle.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The Lovestruck makeup is the best we got for this opportunity and it is at a very high rank as well. At 5 stars, this will give us 432, although only in Gentle. This makeup styling is obtained from the 2021 Valentine event.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Use any cat that contributes even a little to either Warm or Gentle, or both ideally. We have this one that only gives us 162 to Warm, but better this than nothing.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Lastly, we will use the Flintlock Pistol relic, with its Bullet of Passion at Lv. 3 giving us a bonus of 52.8% at the dress item stats. Since our dress yields the highest value in our current outfit, this is the best option, although the relic only matches the Warm trait. Now, let’s see how we did…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

We scored a decently Great result, with 7428 total points and 8000 being the perfect threshold. We will replay this stage, later on, to get it up to perfect, but for now, this doesn’t matter. Now, let’s see how the story ends for Signy and the others.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The story jumps several months later at this moment. Signy is out for a walk and it is autumn. She sees the same castle guard there and asks him how he’s been. The castle guard is a bit frightened, for now, he is speaking to his queen obviously, and replies he is good but with a bit of shiver in his voice.

Signy concludes that he knows who she is now and the soldiers tell her he was a part of the ambush when the invading forces of Glorion attacked. The Chief Minister has organized them and then told them who Signy is and how she found out about the attack. The guard put two and two together and…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy is sorry that the guard was through all of it, especially the attack with that kind of immense difference in numbers. And, heavy casualties. But, he says it is their duty to defend the kingdom and the royal family, so knowing it’s her makes it all the more worthwhile, the soldier replies.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy tries to apologize a bit to the soldier, but he tells her he’s heard about her accomplishments. She will make a fine Queen, he says, and Signy thanks him. She tells the soldier she’s always seen him as a friend so he doesn’t need to be so formal with her. The soldier is humbled.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The soldier again reminds himself of the formalities he must uphold now that he knows who he’s talking to. So, he reminds Signy that it is getting dark and that she should make her way back to the castle. Signy observes him as he stands resolutely at his post and she can’t help but feel she’s lost a friend. But, then again, she no longer has to sneak out, which is a plus.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

A little later on, Signy returns to her room, which is a mess. The floor is covered in black and white feathers. This can only be the twins… And, sure as night and day, Audwin is there to greet her. He shows her what he’s made for her…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

He gives Signy a magical dove, which adorns an exquisite-looking lamp. It glows with a warm shine and gives a sense of peace. Signy thinks how Audwin is now using his magic to bring joy to others. He speaks again, saying how he knows she dislikes crows, so he turned it into a dove. Audwin asks her if she thinks it is pretty?

Swan Lake Stage 1-17 044Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17Signy looks at how childish Audwin actually is and thinks how day by day, the walls around his heart are coming down. Here we have our first choice in this stage, where we can choose what will Signy say for the gift. She can either just thank him or tell him she likes it, and we will go through both in this walkthrough below…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Thank Him
Tell Him You Like It

The choice to Thank Him

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy thanks Audwin and tells him it is beautiful, but… And, before she can finish, Aldous jumps in, reprimanding Audwin for using Signy’s room as a workshop. “Look at the mess you’ve made!” Aldous shouts… He is grumbling as he is picking up the feathers from the floor.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Audwin tells Aldous to tidy up the room and then leave. He starts asking him why would he interrupt…but then stops and tells him he sees that Aldous is jealous because Signy likes his gifts. Aldous tells him he is responsible for the mess and he should tidy up.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Aldous reminds Audwin of the responsibilities of the kingdom he now shares with Signy, so he orders him to stop partnering with Signy, clean her room, and while he’s at it, clean Aldous’s room as well. Audwin says that he thinks Signy would rather explore the forest than speak about those dull matters and he reminds Aldous that his room was supposed to be Audwin’s.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The two brothers start bickering and it slowly turns into a quarrel. Aldous asks Audwin what he’s going to do about it. Audwin asks Aldous if he will stab himself again and finally SIgny chases them both out of her room. These scenes are becoming a daily affair.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Aldous is helping Signy with the responsibilities of the ruling, while Audwin is tasked with entertainment. The twins still don’t get along, but it is far better than how they used to try and kill each other. Signy thinks how there is not much more she can ask for. 

 Again, time skips on a few months, and our party is now close to winter time…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

And, with winter, Signy’s birthday is also almost here. Her father reminds her of it and tells her that they can make amends. Because of him, the king, Signy’s coming-of-age ceremony was brought forward. Signy tells him it’s fine and that she only wants a simple celebration and for everyone to have fun, nothing more.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

But, the king is bent on something more than just a simple celebration, especially considering… While saying that, the king gives the Chief Minister an odd look… The minister speaks, saying that there is an important matter that they have put off due to recent events. Now that they’ve been resolved… Signy cuts in, asking if he’s talking about…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy is speechless, but she doesn’t like the subject. Her father tells her not to worry and that nobody is forcing her to make a decision. He tells her to just follow her heart. The two brothers refuse to leave the castle, and the king asks Signy if she fancies any one of them?

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Back to Previous Choice

Signy almost entirely forgot about the throne succession. Now, faced with this question, she has no choice but to look within herself. Who should she choose, the gentle Aldous or the quirky Audwin? At this point, it is up to us to choose and the stage allows for another branching path. We can choose either Aldous or Audwin for Signy. However, this stage 1-15 is unique in a way that it allows for 3 choices, and the third choice is to choose neither. We will present all 3 choices below and walk you through all of them.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Choose Neither

Choose Neither

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The first choice we go for is for Signy not to choose either of the brothers. We go for the third one first as it is the simplest one. The other two choices demand that you play through some of the stages again and select certain choices, which we will cover in our walkthrough below.

Snowy was her friend and she remembers him fondly as that. Also, no matter how many problems he caused, Audwin also helped Signy see the harsh reality of the words and grow as a person. Both twins are people Signy just wanted to help and she looks at neither as her significant other.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Realistically, Signy is still too young for love. Her coming-of-age ceremony was brought forward, too much ahead of time. Although the story never mentions it, she is around fourteen when the story starts, making her around fifteen or sixteen now, since there is no clear time stamp on any part of the story. But, she is clearly too young to marry.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Time passes again and we are now on the day of Signy’s birthday. Ms. Roslin is the first one to congratulate her, as today is the day she also becomes the queen. Signy thanks her and tells her she is aware that today is the most significant day of her life.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The king’s health has improved greatly, but he still decided to let Signy inherit the throne and retire. The ministers all agreed unanimously and it was the best approval Signy could ever hope to get.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

After she is dressed and ready for her coronation ceremony, Audwin sees her and compliments her looks. However, despite being elegant and formal, Audwin says that it doesn’t suit her at all and makes her look old. He again invites her to go to the forest with him. Or, otherwise…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Audwin teases Signy and she tells him he is still as conceited as ever. Aldous is there and he tells her to pay no mind to Audwin as she looks stunning tonight. Audwin tells Aldous to stop fawning over Signy and she won’t be his no matter how much he praises her.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Twins are still not getting along very well, which is obvious. Aldous tells Audwin his manners are wrong, while Audwin says Aldous is foolish in thinking he can tell him what to do, even if he did lift his curse. He says he did it as a gift for Signy, but if Aldous angers him again, he threatens to apply it again.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy finds his threats amusing now. She says that she has discovered some interesting facts recently. Did you know that the twins not only share their fate, but their senses are linked as well, Signy asks them…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy threatens the owl sorcerer with tickling and he finds it horrible. He calls her a horrible woman and says he won’t stay here for a moment longer. He then turns into an owl and circles around the top of the banquet hall, before he abandons his black robe and flies out of the palace.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy truly believes Audwin is not all darkness anymore. Aldous tells her he is leaving as well and congratulates her on becoming a true Queen. She thanks him for everything he has done for her. “That’s what friends are for…” Aldous replies, wishing her well no matter where he is.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy wishes him to find love and bids him farewell. She then goes on to her coronation ceremony.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy accepts the responsibilities of a Queen and dedicates the rest of her life to her kingdom. She wows to protect her kingdom forever. She never meets her friends again, but they do send her letters from afar. Signy views the sender’s address each time with relief and comfort, because the twins send letters from the same address, meaning they’ve accepted each other.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

This marks the ending titled “A Queen’s Duty” which happens when you choose neither of the twins. We will now go through other endings.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Back to Previous Choice

Choose Aldous

For the Aldous choice to be available at this point, you must make certain choices in several previous stages. In fact, the following choices must be the last choice you made in these stages, or the valid one sort to say, so if they are not, you’ll have to replay the stages and go for the following choices:

  • Swan Lake stage 1-1 – Select the “Accept Your Responsibility” choice
  • Swan Lake stage 1-6 – Select the “Tease Him” choice
  • Swan Lake stage 1-7 – Select the “Admit It” choice
  • Swan Lake stage 1-9 – Select the Worry about his safety” choice
  • Swan Lake stage 1-12 – Select “Comfort him” and then “Confess” choices
  • Swan Lake stage 1-17 – Select Aldous

After you’ve set up the choices in previous stages as instructed above, you will be able to choose Aldous.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy realizes that Aldous has been by her side for so long and she has grown to rely on him quite a lot. She doesn’t want to keep him waiting. A little while later, MS. Roslin congratulates Signy, and Signy says that this will be the happiest day of her life.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Roslin says that this is only the beginning of her happiness and wishes the newlyweds a happily ever after. Signy thanks her. The banquet held today is for both her birthday and her engagement ceremony, which fills her with so much hope for the future.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Later on, at the banquet, Aldous is the first one to ask for Signy’s hand in dancing. She gladly accepts. The two lovers wrap their hands around each other and start a new chapter of their lives, together. Aldous tells her he’s always dreamed of dancing with her. Signy asks him if it is as he expected it?

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Aldous and Signy are finally married and live a blissful life and rule the kingdom together, to the end of their time. Audwin lifted Aldous’ curse on the wedding day and left, never to be seen again. Signy and Aldous sometimes go to the forest and gaze at the peaceful Swan Lake, hearing the familiar screech of an owl that both eerie and cheeky.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

This marks the end of the story after choosing Aldous. This is their happily ever after and this is titled the “Fairytale Ending”. We will now go through the third choice, when Sign chooses Audwin, even though that is the least logical choice.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Back to Previous Choice

“Tell him you like it” and “Audwin” Choices

Similar to the Aldous choice, in order to choose Audwin, we must go through some of the previous stages and set the choices in a certain order for the Audwin option to be unlocked. In fact, the following choices must be the last choice you made in these stages, or the valid one sort to say, so if they are not, you’ll have to replay the stages and go for the following choices:

  • Swan Lake stage 1-1 – Select the “Refuse” option
  • Swan Lake stage 1-13 – Select the “Chat with him” option
  • Swan Lake stage 1-16 – Select the “Sympathize with him” option
  • Swan Lake stage 1-17 – Select “Tell him you like it” and then select “Audwin”

Since we have left the “Tell him you like it” choice for laters, we will go through it first and then connect it with the “Aldous” choice, so please find them both below.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The Tell him you like it choice

This choice comes after Signy returns to her room and finds it messy, only to encounter Audwin there who’s been making a gift for her, a dove toy. When she takes it, we choose to tell him we like it. This extra choice will cost an extra 5 stamina.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

In this choice, Signy tells Audwin what an adorable dove it is and we gain some Goodwill points with him. Audwin explains that the toy will even call out to Signy, like a parrot, but he went with a dove because it looks better.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy is again grateful for the gift. Audwin then tells her he’s made one with a rabbit, a squirrel, a deer, and a…. And, then he tells her she can have all of them if she wants. He offers to hang them along the path to the forest, so she won’t fear the dark when she visits him at night again.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy things it is a great idea! She likes this because not everyone sees her as a princess. Audwin tells her that, since she is so fond of this idea, he will get to work on it right away. However, she halts him to wait. She is grateful for the gift, but…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

And, before she can finish, Aldous jumps in, reprimanding Audwin for using Signy’s room as a workshop. “Look at the mess you’ve made!” Aldous shouts… He is grumbling as he is picking up the feathers from the floor.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Audwin tells Aldous to tidy up the room and then leave. He starts asking him why would he interrupt…but then stops and tells him he sees that Aldous is jealous because Signy likes his gifts. Aldous tells him he is responsible for the mess and he should tidy up.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Aldous reminds Audwin of the responsibilities of the kingdom he now shares with Signy, so he orders him to stop partnering with Signy, clean her room, and while he’s at it, clean Aldous’ room as well. Audwin says that he thinks Signy would rather explore the forest than speak about those dull matters and he reminds Aldous that his room was supposed to be Audwin’s.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The two brothers start bickering and it slowly turns into a quarrel. Aldous asks Audwin what he’s going to do about it. Audwin asks Aldous if he will stab himself again and finally SIgny chases them both out of her room. These scenes are becoming a daily affair.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Aldous is helping Signy with the responsibilities of the ruling, while Audwin is tasked with entertainment. The twins still don’t get along, but it is far better than how they used to try and kill each other. Signy thinks how there is not much more she can ask for. 

Again, time skips on a few months, and our party is now close to winter time…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

And, with winter, Signy’s birthday is also almost here. Her father reminds her of it and tells her that they can make amends. Because of him, the king, Signy’s coming-of-age ceremony was brought forward. Signy tells him it’s fine and that she only wants a simple celebration and for everyone to have fun, nothing more.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

But, the king is bent on something more than just a simple celebration, especially considering… While saying that, the king gives the Chief Minister an odd look… The minister speaks, saying that there is an important matter that they have put off due to recent events. Now, that they’ve been resolved… Signy cuts in, asking if he’s talking about…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy is speechless, but she doesn’t like the subject. Her father tells her not to worry and that nobody is forcing her to make a decision. He tells her to just follow her heart. The two brothers refuse to leave the castle, and the king asks Signy if she fancies any one of them?

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy almost entirely forgot about the throne succession. Now, faced with this question, she has no choice but to look within herself. Who should she choose, the gentle Aldous or the quirky Audwin? At this point, it is up to us to choose and the stage allows for another branching path. We will now go for Audwin since it is the only choice we didn’t go through.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Back to Previous Choice

Choose Audwin

If you’ve set up all the stages correctly, Audwin’s choice will be available, for extra 5 stamina of course.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy can’t believe what name comes to mind when she thinks about who she wants to marry, but it’s Audwin. She thinks of the last dance at her coming-of-age ceremony and the forced engagement. Perhaps this is fate?  

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Ms. Roslin is the first to congratulate her, as always. But, she is kind of sad. Signy tells her not to be sad and that she will visit her and Father frequently. Since Audwin is not the type to stay in the palace, they are heading for the forest, and Signy likes to be free.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Audwin lifted the curse from Aldous, but he asks for something in return from him. Aldous nods sadly, but with determination. Audwin continues to explain how Signy chose him, meaning she chooses freedom.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Audwin continues to point out to constraint nature of the throne. He then looks at Aldous and tells him that he has potential. Aldous agrees that Signy always wanted freedom, but is not sure about the potential Audwin refers to.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Audwin explains that Aldous is already acquainted with the affairs of the kingdom and, although Signy tried really hard, she can’t compare with him. She’s been feeling inadequate all this while, so Audwin proposes that Aldous protects the kingdom instead. And, Audwin will protect Signy…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Even though Signy doesn’t approve of Audwin blackmailing Aldous like this, Aldous agrees. He says that Audwin is right and that this is a perfect solution. Moments later, he agrees to look after the kingdom on her behalf. She is still the heir and the queen, but Aldous will be the caretaker of the throne.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

It would appear that everyone wants Signy to have her happy ending, and her father and uncle agree with this decision to put Aldous in charge of the kingdom in her stead. Today is her actual coming-of-age day and, ironically, it is the same day Signy leaves the palace.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

The king is sad to see her go but is glad at the same time for she has found the happiness she wished for. Signy says she is sorry that she wasn’t able to take over the duty of protecting the kingdom. King Edward says it is fine. She has instead provided the perfect successor and she never actually abandoned the kingdom.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Aldous promises that the kingdom will prosper under his supervision. Signy doesn’t know how to ever thank him enough, and offers that if there is anything she can do… But, before she finishes, she is interrupted by him…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Aldous is grateful to Signy for saving him. He says that he sees safeguarding her kingdom as his duty. He has discovered new strengths and has found the meaning of life in this. So, he asks her not to feel any guilt as they still remain the best of friends. Audwin has something to say about that…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Audwin is against it, naturally. He proposes that, if Signy really wants to make it up to Aldous, they could arrange for their child to be the successor in the future. Signy shushes him… Audwin says “Fine.” They have a banquet, which ends amidst elegant music and joyous dancing.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy and Audwin go to the forest, to his tower, which is not their new home. When they are almost upon the tower, Audwin says that they will arrive at their new home shortly. Signy asks if it is that dim tower, which is so dark that you can’t see their faces clearly there.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Audwin teases a surprise about the “dim tower” and Signy is curious since when is he ever this thoughtful… Audwin laughs and says that she doesn’t seem to know him well enough, and calls her “my wife”.

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

Signy is happy that she is just a civilian now and that she has all the time in the world to live a normal life and to get to know Audwin. He is glad to hear it. Signy thinks how she wishes this moment to last forever, but she is also eager to see what surprises await in the tower. Her dream life is right before her…

Dress Up Walkthrough Swan Lake 1-17

This marks the Dream Life ending of the story, arguably the best one. The girl goes for the dark and handsome bad boy, which is perhaps a cliché, but a welcomed one. This is the third ending of the stage and the end of our Dress up! Time Princess Swan Lake swage 1-17 walkthrough, and the Swan Lake guide. Thanks for reading and being a part of the community!

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